政本 聡 佐々木 裕 岡村 晋作 和田 正広 西田 準
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
テレビジョン学会技術報告 (ISSN:03864227)
vol.17, no.21, pp.1-6, 1993

The experimental results of measures for common amplification of data and FM-TV carried within the FM-TV band in the communication satellite transponder are described. The results show that the good transmission quality of FM-TV is obtained but C/N and BER degradation of data due to the small signal suppression effect and transfer noise from FM-TV, are observed. Data, however, from HUB to VSAT with appropriate link parameter, as well as from VSAT to HUB, has acceptable quality, which suggests promising feasibility for the economical one way or two way data communication within the satellite TV broadcasting.