- 著者
- 出版者
- 日本教育社会学会
- 雑誌
- 教育社会学研究
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.58, 1996-05-20
The main purposes of this paper are to measure the economic benefits of higher education and to clarify the scheme of differentiation in the higher educational system. In the economics of education we have used the private rate of return to measure the economic benefits which a person gets from education. But most previous research has an error in the empirical method. The error uses in not combining the private rate of return and the actual student placements in employment for each university. I try to remedy this error. Firstly I investigate differences in employment opportunity according to industry and enterprise size relating to 33 faculties of 10 universities (Table 2). Secondly I calculate the private rate of return for each of them (Table 3). Finally, I combine both results (Table 4). I think the private rate of return calculated by this method supersedes previous research. Furthermore from the standpoint of economics. I try to explain the demand trend of higher education on the basis of the research findings. As a result it is proved that the aspiration to graduate from a higher prestige university is reasonable economically.