廣瀬 圭 岩渕 琢磨 千葉 遥 近藤 亜希子
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集 2017 (ISSN:24329509)
pp.A-33, 2017 (Released:2018-05-25)

This paper proposes the estimation method of seating face geometry using belt-shaped inertial sensors system. This method uses the sensor fusion for posture estimation and the forward kinematics for position calculation. The sensor fusion estimates the Roll and Pitch angles using gyro sensor and acceleration sensor outputs, and the effect of drift error is reduced. The estimated geometry information is validated using the calibration device designed by CAD, the results indicated the effective accuracy. Furthermore, we conducted the measurement experiment using three sensor systems in dynamic condition. The results indicated the face geometry in settling and floating conditions. This system can be used to represent the face geometry in static and dynamic conditions.