布施 義宗
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2015, no.28, pp.136-147, 2015-08-07 (Released:2016-10-12)

The purpose of this paper is to explore how gender meaning was structured and changed between a husband and a wife in Japan in the late 1950s through an analysis of the private letters they exchanged with one another. Some studies have focused on the process of structuring gender between intimate couples through the use of interviews. However, these studies faced difficulties when it came to their analysis of real interactions because the interviewees' statements might have been influenced by the interview itself. In this paper, the M-GTA method, introduced by Yasuhito Kinoshita, was chosen to analyze one interaction. Twenty concepts were used to indicate the process of structuring and change of the meaning of gender in the interaction in one intimate relationship.