平野 大昌
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.41, pp.31-44, 2015-03-31 (Released:2016-11-30)

This paper analyses whether internship experiences of undergraduate students influence the chance of getting a job offer. First, by theoretical consideration, we made the hypothesis that internship experiences of students serve as a signal of their ability and, therefore, have the signaling effect on the probability of getting a job offer. Second, we verified the hypothesis by empirical analysis using a questionnaire survey about internship experiences of undergraduate students. In particular, using the information whether or not students with internship experience conveyed their internship experience to firms during their job-hunting process, we examined whether conveying internship experience has any impact on the probability of getting a job offer. The results from probit analysis reveal that conveying internship experience to firms has a statistically significant positive impact on the probability of getting a job offer. This suggests that internship experience of students has the signaling effect on the chance of getting a job offer.
平野 大昌
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.31, pp.49-65, 2010-03-31 (Released:2016-11-30)

This paper analyzes effects of internship on undergraduates' attitude toward work. The analysis in this paper is taken account for types of internship program and routes to internship participation. From the results estimated by ordered probit model, it is shown that a practical internship program enhances undergraduates' attitude toward work and understanding about type of job, but an internship as part-time job weakens them. In addition, a long term internship and a task achievement type internship improve them among undergraduates who participated in an internship without a relation of university. Those effects are not observed among undergraduates who participated in an internship as a class of university.