河田 幸視 畑中 英樹 幹田 秀和
生駒経済論叢 = Ikoma Journal of Economics (ISSN:24333085)
vol.17, no.1, pp.21-41, 2019-07-31

[概要] 新たな森林管理システムの導入によって,意欲ある林業経営体による効率的・効果的な森林管理が進むと期待される一方で,こうした管理を担う林業経営体の具体像は,必ずしも明確ではない。本稿は,本システム下でのありうべき林業経営体に求められる条件として,経営面,地域社会,および環境面での持続可能性の担保を指摘し,これらを満たす事例として京都府綾部市の志賀郷杜栄を取り上げ,その実践内容を紹介する。[Summary] Newly launched forest management system will propel efficient and effective forest management handled by forestal management entities that have high motivation and skill. However, our image regarding such entities is so vague that we have little or no idea as to how we should proceed with the new management system in reality. In this research note, we have specified the conditions required for promising entities as follows: sustainability of the forestal management entity, sustainability of the society in which the entity is enrolled, and sustainability of the environment in and around forestland. We selected a private company Shigasatomoriei in Ayabe City, Kyoto Prefecture, as an example of an entity that satisfies all three of these requirements and introduced their practices.