後藤 浩志 武藤 正樹 池田 俊也 百瀬 泰行
一般社団法人 日本老年薬学会
日本老年薬学会雑誌 (ISSN:24334065)
vol.5, no.2, pp.7-15, 2022-06-30 (Released:2022-07-22)

Objective: This study aimed to clarify the actual prescription status of patients covered through the “Screening Tool for Older Person’s Appropriate Prescriptions for Japanese” (STOPP-J).Methods: Patients aged ≥ 75 years who received oral medications for chronic diseases were classified into two groups: multidrug and non-multidrug groups. The number of drugs according to the drug class and the number of STOPP-J drugs prescribed were examined.Results: This study included 8,192 patients. The average number of medications was 4.1, and its percentage in the multidrug group was 26.4%. The multidrug group presented a higher number of physicians and percentage of STOPP-J prescriptions than the other group. The highest percentage of prescribed multidrug use included antithrombotics (82.5%), digitalis (76.2%), and diuretics (73.2%).Conclusion: The multidrug group presented a higher percentage of STOPP-J prescriptions than the non-multidrug group.