多田 千代 小野 日出子 徳永 登喜枝
日本家庭科教育学会誌 (ISSN:03862666)
vol.15, pp.96-99, 1974

Of the method of making Pompon Tufting, a way of using a rectangular cardboard pattern was examined tentatively. The cardboard should be long enough to wind the desired full length of the yarn around, and, as winding, it is necessary to make it uniform and not to tense. Width of the cardboard will be the same as desired for the finished pompon. Where to cut and where to tie the wound yarn should be marked clearly with chalk before the cardboard is removed. Instead of the cardboard, pencils may be used. The round of the pencils bound is as following; circular pencils : 2r(π+n) six-angle pencils : 6r+n√<3r> r=a pencil's radius, n=number of pencils bound, π=the circular constant.