旗野 翠 安原 美帆 髙山 良子 小畑 裕之 茂呂 修 佐伯 秀久 船坂 陽子 畑 三恵子
日本香粧品学会誌 (ISSN:18802532)
vol.44, no.1, pp.6-12, 2020-03-31 (Released:2021-03-31)

We investigated the safety and usefulness of transparent solid soaps in parallel with ongoing treatment in patients with mild to moderate atopic dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis with symptoms on the face. The soap is designed to be low in stimulation to the skin. Although there were no severe adverse effects, a minor one was noted related to the soap. One of the subjects discontinued the test product due to worsening of itching and eczema. After using the soap for four weeks, a significant improvement in the symptoms of drying and lichenification was observed. The visual analog scale score related to the skin condition also significantly improved, compared to that during the start of the study. In the questionnaire-based test response, approximately 90% of the subjects liked the feeling of using the soap. Overall, this study indicated that the investigated solid soap was safe and did not hamper the ongoing treatment.