曲 志強
平安女学院大学研究年報 (ISSN:1346227X)
no.16, pp.55-63, 2016-03-01

Since the entry of Japanese anime and manga into China in the 1980s, it has gained increasing influence as well as stable popularity in the Chinese mass culture, affecting generations of Chinese intheir cultural conception and even in their views on the world and life. Now, 35 years later, how does Japanese anime and manga, which continues to shine through all sorts of modern media, weigh among the Chinese? How is it understood and evaluated by the Chinese? The exploration of these questions is significant both theoretically and practically, in terms of both cultural and intercultural communication.Instead of adopting traditional questionnaire survey, this paper allows the subjects ample time forthoughts and expression, so that they could summarize systematically their understanding and evaluation of Japanese amine and manga. Based on a detailed analysis and summary of the survey results, this paper proposes its own ideas about how Chinese college students understand and evaluate Japanese anime and manga and how multiculturalism should be dealt with.