商 鍾嵐
平安女学院大学研究年報 = Heian Jogakuin University Journal (ISSN:1346227X)
no.17, pp.101-109, 2017-03-31

This article has studied the historical development of both Ninnan Dialect and Japanese. Based on the analysis in their pronunciation and vocabulary, similarities between Ninnan Dialect and Japanesehave been found. They both have some similar pronunciation, which proved to belong to the features of ancient Chinese. Moreover, they have borrowed the spelling from each other on the lexical level.
曲 志強
平安女学院大学研究年報 (ISSN:1346227X)
no.16, pp.55-63, 2016-03-01

Since the entry of Japanese anime and manga into China in the 1980s, it has gained increasing influence as well as stable popularity in the Chinese mass culture, affecting generations of Chinese intheir cultural conception and even in their views on the world and life. Now, 35 years later, how does Japanese anime and manga, which continues to shine through all sorts of modern media, weigh among the Chinese? How is it understood and evaluated by the Chinese? The exploration of these questions is significant both theoretically and practically, in terms of both cultural and intercultural communication.Instead of adopting traditional questionnaire survey, this paper allows the subjects ample time forthoughts and expression, so that they could summarize systematically their understanding and evaluation of Japanese amine and manga. Based on a detailed analysis and summary of the survey results, this paper proposes its own ideas about how Chinese college students understand and evaluate Japanese anime and manga and how multiculturalism should be dealt with.
王 嵐 危 龍華
平安女学院大学研究年報 = Heian Jogakuin University Journal (ISSN:1346227X)
no.19, pp.65-74, 2019-03

金本 伊津子 Itsuko KANAMOTO 平安女学院大学現代文化学部国際コミュニケーション学科 Department of International Communication Heian Jogakuin University
平安女学院大学研究年報 = Heian Jogakuin University journal (ISSN:1346227X)
no.1, pp.73-82, 2001-03-10

A Japanese proverb goes, "Shinin ni kuchi nashi (the dead can tell no stories)." From a rationalistic point of view, the idea that communication between the living and the dead exists is nothing but an absurd superstition. Nonetheless, some cultural devices in Japanese folk religion still survive, and are used by those who actively try to communicate with the dead. A great many Japanese have realized that the cause and elimination of on-going serial misfortunes are not explained adequately by scientific knowledge and can only be accounted for by spiritual beliefs. In the Tsugaru-Shimokita regions in Aomori Prefecture, northern Japan, itako (blind and half-blind female mediums) function as a cultural device in communicating with the souls of the dead. Their narratives in shamanistic rites, which often contain desire, demand, and dissatisfaction about the treatment to the dead, have often been interpreted as "sosen no sawari (punishment by ancestor)" or "akuryo no tatari (curse of an evil soul)." People who sincerely accept the itako's messages sometimes translate their fear of the dead into religious actions in order to heal the malignant souls and to escape from them. Weddings of the dead, a relatively new Buddhist practice in these regions, are a case in point. This paper explores the healing mechanisms of shamanistic rites performed by Japanese female mediums and weddings of the dead as a chain reaction of religious behavior. All ethnographic data were collected during fieldwork intermittently conducted by the author between 1991 and 2000.
金本 伊津子
平安女学院大学研究年報 (ISSN:1346227X)
vol.2, pp.47-54, 2002-03-10

This paper shows how female mediums such as itako and kamisama are taking a leading part in two religious practices, which have mainly spread through the Tsugaru and Shimokita regions of Aomori Prefecture. In hotoke-oroshi, the female mediums mediate the narratives of the dead and persuade local people of a shamanistic reality; for instance, the dead can interactively communicate with the living through the female mediums, often provide great influence on the lives of the living, and the dead get older year by year along with the living. As Japanese tradition shows in shinda ko no toshi wo kazoeru (counting the age of dead children), even fetuses, infants, and youths who die at an early age can often be kept growing, with the ability to attain marriageable age. Because the dead grow old in the minds of the living as the same pace as the living, it is no wonder the shamanistic messages sometimes convey the dead's strong psychological attachment to unfulfilled achievements in life, most of which are related to happy occasions in rites of passage, especially weddings. These shamanistic realities mediated by the narratives of the dead connect with local Buddhism to create another cultural device for the communication between the dead and the living-weddings of the dead. It is notable that Buddhist ritual in these religious events accepts the involvement of spiritual mediums such as itako and kamisama. Here we see a typical appositional synchronism of Japanese culture in the two different religious practices for the repose of the dead and the fulfillment of their lives in the world of the living. All ethnographic data were collected during fieldwork intermittently conducted by the author between 1991 and 2001.
カパッソ カロリーナ
平安女学院大学研究年報 = Heian Jogakuin University Journal (ISSN:1346227X)
no.19, pp.41-53, 2019-03

12 世紀以降、西ローマ帝国の輝かしい時代が終焉してから初めて、イタリア半島は世界の文化的推進の役割を再び担うようになった。分断された小国乱立という政治状況に加えて、度重なる戦争や外敵の侵入に脅かされてはいたが、イタリア北部及び中部の都市国家、そして南部のナポリ王国は、生産と交易と社会システムの面において、飛躍的な成長を遂げた。こうした急激な変化の影響は、そのすぐ後にルネサンスと呼ばれることになる文化や芸術においてのみならず、より日常的な生活の実践に関わる分野にも及んだ。その代表的な例が料理であろう。今日、ヨーロッパで美味しいとして知られるのは、イタリア、フランス、スペインなどの料理だが、そのうちイタリアの料理は他国の料理よりもはるかに起原が古く、長い伝統を持つ。では、そのイタリア料理はいつ頃生まれたのだろうか。本論考は、イタリア半島でつくられた最初期の料理-- それが後にいわゆる「イタリア料理」を生むことになる-- について考察し、その起源と普及の状況を究明することによって、料理をめぐる当時のイタリア人の意識の変化を明らかにする。また、いくつかのレシピやそこで使用されている素材を分析し、イタリアの政治的統一よりも何世紀も前から「イタリア料理」が存在し、それがイタリア半島にすでに文化的なアイデンティティを与えていたことを明らかにしようとするものである。
川北 典子 Noriko KAWAKITA 平安女学院大学現代文化学部現代福祉学科
平安女学院大学研究年報 = Heian Jogakuin University journal (ISSN:1346227X)
vol.1, pp.65-72, 2001-03-10

Libraries were established in succession all over the country in the last years of the Meiji Era. In Shiga prefecture they also opened many public or private based libraries, which became the foundation of activity and management of the modern library. Otsu Public Library was one of them. Even it was established in good economic and social conditions, it closed after less than 40 years. This contribution tries to follow and study its history from establishment to closure, especially focus on the child reference services of library management. And moreover, there are many discussions about the relevance of the library as the center of social education or culture for children. The new role of the library is expected not only to encompass reading and children, but also to occupy a secure place in the community outside school and home. The contribution also examines the possibilities by following the history of the library since Meiji Era.
金本 伊津子 Itsuko KANAMOTO 平安女学院大学現代文化学部国際コミュニケーション学科
平安女学院大学研究年報 = Heian Jogakuin University journal (ISSN:1346227X)
vol.2, pp.47-54, 2002-03-10

This paper shows how female mediums such as itako and kamisama are taking a leading part in two religious practices, which have mainly spread through the Tsugaru and Shimokita regions of Aomori Prefecture. In hotoke-oroshi, the female mediums mediate the narratives of the dead and persuade local people of a shamanistic reality; for instance, the dead can interactively communicate with the living through the female mediums, often provide great influence on the lives of the living, and the dead get older year by year along with the living. As Japanese tradition shows in shinda ko no toshi wo kazoeru (counting the age of dead children), even fetuses, infants, and youths who die at an early age can often be kept growing, with the ability to attain marriageable age. Because the dead grow old in the minds of the living as the same pace as the living, it is no wonder the shamanistic messages sometimes convey the dead's strong psychological attachment to unfulfilled achievements in life, most of which are related to happy occasions in rites of passage, especially weddings. These shamanistic realities mediated by the narratives of the dead connect with local Buddhism to create another cultural device for the communication between the dead and the living-weddings of the dead. It is notable that Buddhist ritual in these religious events accepts the involvement of spiritual mediums such as itako and kamisama. Here we see a typical appositional synchronism of Japanese culture in the two different religious practices for the repose of the dead and the fulfillment of their lives in the world of the living. All ethnographic data were collected during fieldwork intermittently conducted by the author between 1991 and 2001.
高橋 義人
平安女学院大学研究年報 = Heian Jogakuin University Journal (ISSN:1346227X)
no.19, pp.1-10, 2019-03

建国以来の歴史が浅く「新しい国」であったアメリカには、20 世紀に入ってからも「アメリカ音楽文化」と呼べるようなものがまだわずかしか存在していなかった。アメリカを政治的にのみならず文化的にも「大国」にするために、アメリカ独自の音楽文化を育てることは喫緊の課題だった。その契機のひとつをなしたのが、レハールのオペレッタ『メリー・ウィドウ』のアメリカ上演(1906 年)だった。その爆発的人気をもとに、1934 年、『メリー・ウィドウ』はエルンスト・ルビッチ監督によって映画化され、オペレッタのアメリカ化が行われた。本稿は、18 世紀前半のイタリアにおけるオペラ・ブッファから、19 世紀後半~20 世紀初頭のヴィーンにおけるオペレッタを経て、20 世紀半ばに与えられたアメリカでミュージカルが誕生するまでの喜歌劇の歴史をたどりつつ、アメリカン・ミュージカルに与えられた課題を探る。
鄢 玲
平安女学院大学研究年報 = Heian Jogakuin University Journal (ISSN:1346227X)
no.17, pp.70-78, 2017-03-31

Take Xiamen University Tan KahKee College Japanese language students’ article“Application forstudy abroad”as the object of the research, to carry on the investigation about the Chinese expression,and we analysis the reasons for the expression style. We got below reasons: first, in the reason for thestudy abroad, allstudents always use the expression sucn as “I can be … by study abroad”, we do aquestionnaire survey, then we find that it is not only because of the differencebetween the Chineseand Japanese language expression, but also because about 20% of the students have a groundlessbeautiful illusion for study abroad. And the second, in the plan for the study abroad, most of thestudents only show the willing to hard study, but no Substantive plan. This phenomenon is due to avariety of reasons, such as society circumstance of loving yelling slogans, Chinese conditionsaboutslogans and practice always falling apart, education model of students’ loving use beautifulwords and sentences which from the very beginning study.
平居 謙
平安女学院大学研究年報 = Heian Jogakuin University Journal (ISSN:1346227X)
no.17, pp.9-17, 2017-03-31
