朝井 佐智子
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.48, no.1, pp.17-30, 2011

The "Shinrin-gijyuku" school was a private school for Korean people. It was established by Mr. Park Young-hyo in 1893 (26^<th> year of the Meiji period) in Japan as a preparatory academy for Koreans who would be entering Japanese school in the future. The "Shinrin-gijyuku" school was supported exclusively by volunteers and sponsors, many of whom were members of the National Diet of Japan. The school was operated by the "Toho Association". The reason why the "Toho Association" supported Park Young-hyo's school was because Mr. Park's ambition was to lead a revolution in Korea. If he were to succeed and become a leader in Korea, the newly found prestige would be enormous. Also, during this time, Japan believed that there was a high possibility of war breaking out with China which was then under the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, Japan had an incentive to gain a foot-hold in Korea in order to enter into war with China in an advantageous position. Mr. Park accepted support from the "Toho Association" because it was useful to his goal of a coup d'etat. That is how the "Shinrin-gijyuku" school was able to be established.
朝井 佐智子
pp.1-207, 2013-03-14

授与大学 : 愛知淑徳大学 ; 学位種類 : 博士(学術) ; 授与年月日 : 平成25年3月14日