杉浦 靖夫 木原 正光 杉田 昭夫
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.26, no.6, pp.565-569, 1960 (Released:2008-02-29)

We set forth already on the ecology of Pinnotheres sinensis found in Tapes japonica. As similar observations were made on the same item of Pinnotheres gordoni found in the same clam, the result is given in the present paper. Pinnotheres gordoni is tolerant for host. It was found in such many bivalves at Kisarazu as Tapes japonica, Mytilus edulis, Ostrea (Crassostrea) gigas, Meretrix lusoria, Mactra veneriformis, Chlamys nipponensis and Umbonium (Suchium) moniliferum(gastropod). The rate of clams with the crab shows some extent of seasonal variation as being it is very low during the season from August to November, in which the water temperature runs from 16°C to 29°C, but is considerably high during the period from December to July in which the water temperature ranging between 10°C and 26°C (Table 1, Fig. 1). It seems to be that Pinnotheres gordoni is somewhat related ecologically to Pinnotheres sinensis, because of these crabs are apt to live in the same host (Table 2). The host, Tapes japonica, suffers a certain amount of harm by the crab in guestion. The rate (W×l00/SW; W=total weight of flesh of the clam; SW=shell weight of it) is 49.8±12.1% in normal clam, but 41.6±12.6% in symbionts.