東盛 良夫
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌. B (ISSN:03854213)
vol.113, no.2, pp.177-184, 1993

Electric power is in great demand, and it is transmitted to distant places for consumers with high efficiency, where various insulators are being used for power transmission and distribution line for insulation.<br>Insulators contaminated by salt particles have been causes for flashovers on the surface under high voltage in humid climate and light rain. Rapid salt contamination of the insulator surface by typhoons has been investigated on the campus of University of the Ryukyus for several years.<br>The results obtained from the exposure tests are:<br>(1) Accumulative contamination of the insulator surface occurred always on the bottom surface of the insulators, and on the upper surface of insulators during the period without rainfall.<br>(2) The extent of contamination of the pin-type insulators with the saltproof dishes was 1/2_??_1/6 in comparison to that of pin-type insulators without ones.<br>(3) The salt contamination of the insulator surfaces is almost always influenced by wind speed and precipitation.<br>(4) Flashover voltage of salt contminated insulators by typhoons drops to approximately 1/10 of that for clean and dry insulators.