松井 利一
電子情報通信学会論文誌. D-II, 情報・システム, II-情報処理 (ISSN:09151923)
vol.79, no.5, pp.889-898, 1996-05-25
24 5

視覚系の基本現象(ボケと視野の相互依存作用)に着目して定式化した視覚モデルは, 提示画像の性質や提示条件に依存して変化する視覚系の視知覚応答特性を正確かつ定量的に再現する能力をもっている. しかし, 今の視覚モデルそのままでは画面サイズに依存してコントラスト感度特性が変形する視覚現象の理論的再現は困難であり, 視覚系の他の基本的特性を導入し, より汎用的なモデルに拡張する必要がある. 本論文では, 視覚系の一つの基本的特性として, 空間周波数弁別能力の限界(空間周波数弁別不可能領域の存在)という画面サイズ依存特性とは一見何の関係もなさそうに見える特性に着目し, この特性を視覚モデルに導入すれば画面サイズ依存特性に関しても理論的に再現可能な視覚モデルに拡張でき, 実測結果ともよく一致するようになることを示す. また, シミュレーションから得られた空間周波数弁別不可能領域の理論幅と実測で得られている値とが同程度であることからも, 画面サイズ依存特性が空間周波数弁別能力の限界により生じている可能性が強いと判断できる.
渋沢 貴久 竹下 孝樹 本多 舞 松井 利一
ジョイント・シンポジウム講演論文集 : スポーツ工学シンポジウム : シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミックス : symposium on sports engineering : symposium on human dynamics
vol.2007, pp.216-221, 2007-11-13

So far, many kinds of human two-joint arm control models with shoulder and elbow joints have been proposed to simulate human two-point reaching movements. However, in order to simulate human arm movements accurately, it is desirable that the human arm control system should be formulated as a three joint model including a wrist joint. In this research, we extend the modified minimum-torque-change model to a three joint model and incorporate a freezing mechanism into its wrist joint. Actually, the freezing system is a feedback controller to simulate the muscle dynamics contracting agonists and antagonists together. Consequently, it was clarified that the extended model can reproduce two-point reaching movement characteristics for the human three-joint arm system: the end-point variability of hand trajectories and the relationship between end-point variability and movement time (Fitts' law). This suggests that the extended model characterized by the freezing wrist joint functions effectively as a model of the human three joint arm control system.
松井 利一
映像情報メディア学会誌 : 映像情報メディア (ISSN:13426907)
vol.52, no.4, pp.583-593, 1998-04-20

Three new objective performance evaluation criteria, C/Vn (Carrier to Visual noise ratio), N/Vn (Noise to Visual noise ratio), and C/N (Carrier to Noise ratio), for imaging systems are proposed. These criteria are quantified based on visual noise characteristics derived from a human vision model formulated by the author ; in an output image from imaging systems, to which a sine-wave is inputted, C/Vn and N/Vn are defined, respectively, as the quantity of the perceptible sine-wave component with the frequency equal to the input sine-wave and as the quantity of all the perceptible noise components, and C/N is a simplified expression for integrating C/Vn and N/Vn. These criteria are applied to the performance evaluation of imaging systems based on the density-gradation-method such as CRTs, LCDs, printers and so on. They are calculated as parameters of pixel aperture ratio, quantizing level number, and pixel size. In actual computation, pulse-amplitude-modulated sinusoidal waves are used as output images from such imaging systems. The calculated fundamental characteristics suggest that the objective performance evaluation criteria are effective in quantitatively expressing human subjective evaluation judgments.