久貝 克弥 高橋 明太郎 松本 勇樹
近畿大学工業高等専門学校研究紀要 = Research reports Kindai University Technical College (ISSN:18824374)
no.12, pp.11-17, 2019-03-15

The swimming motion of Tuna type fishes has excellent ability for its speed and efficiency. And some studies have been reported about the most efficient swimming motion by using numerical analysis on 2-joint bending mechanism model. And several fish type robots are developed based on these studies. But almost all robots have spring held caudal fin, so they cannot confirm theoretical result by experimental way. Therefore, we developed a fish type robot which has caudal fin angle actuating mechanism and tail oscillating mechanism. We made some experiments about the relationship between the swimming motion scheme and the swimming speed.