源野 広和 松本 和夫 福島 清司
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.31, no.8, pp.973-981, 1995-08-31 (Released:2009-03-27)
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The facial skin temperature can be measured without contact using an infrared camera regardless of room temperature conditions. Moreover, because it varies with autonomic nervous activity that accompanies arousal of the senses, it serves as an effective physiological quantity for evaluating human senses.This report examines the thermal sensation and evaluates it using the facial skin temperature without influence by stress or the change in seasons. In the experiments that were carried out under various types of stress with various types of ambient temperatures in winter and summer, no change due to seasons was found. Consequently, data for both winter and summer were combined and correlation coefficients between the thermal sensation and facial skin temperatures for various parts were determined. In the experiments, the correlation coefficients decreased in the order of cheek, chin, forehead, nose and ear. Even the lowest value of r=0.752 for the ear is still high. In addition, the thermal sensation is estimated by a multiple regression formula using the stepwise method. The partial regression coefficient for the nose excluding the forehead became negative (multiple correlation coefficient R=0.897). Accordingly, the relation between the thermal sensation and the forehead skin temperature can be predicted by the skin temperatures of the other facial parts, and a rise in the thermal sensation accompanying stress can be described by a drop in the skin temperature of the nose.Furthermore, it is suggested that this multiple regression formula is applicable even for different amounts of clothing. The compensation is necessary for changes in the activity level and continuous variations in the ambient temperature.
松本 和夫 近泉 惣次郎 許 仁玉 渡部 潤一郎
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.41, no.2, pp.171-178, 1972

温州ミカンの可溶性固形物と遊離酸含量に影響する樹令および立地要因の寄与度を, 現象数量化の手法を用いて推定した。果汁の糖度計示度と滴定酸度のいずれに対しても, 地域を表わす要因の寄与度が最大であつた。また, 糖度については, 傾斜方位の寄与度が2位, 樹令の寄与度が3位であつた。一般に, 樹令が増すほど少しずつではあるが着実に糖度が高まつている。標高と海岸からの距離が糖度に及ぼす影響は, 他の要因に比べてかなり低かつた。<br>いつぱう, 果汁の滴定酸度のほうは, 海岸からの距離が遠くなるにつれてかなり増加した。標高と酸度の関係は, 海抜200m以上のところで酸度の増加が著しく, それ以下のところでは標高差の影響をほとんど受けていない。傾斜方位の影響については, 糖度, 酸度のいずれに対しても, 部分的に常識と一致しない傾向が認められた。