太田 隆文 倉持 剛 柳浦 麻未 上村 直樹 金澤 幸江 杉浦 邦夫
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.1, pp.47-53, 2014-01-10 (Released:2015-01-10)
1 5

Polystyrene sulfonate drugs (PSS) are likely to adsorb coadministered drugs through ionic and hydrophobic interactions because of their chemical structures. Nine drugs frequently dispensed at our 3 pharmacies to administer with PSS concurrently were selected and examined for their adsorption in vitro to Kalimate® powder in pH 6.8.Cationic drugs in the solution, amlodipine besylate and dilazep hydrochloride hydrate were adsorbed almost totally, while anionic drugs, aspirin, furosemide and losartan potassium were only adsorbed in 0-15%. Non-ionic drugs, allopurinol, nifedipine and prednisolone were adsorbed to different extents, 9, 59 and 84%, respectively in proportion to their hydrophobicity (XLogP3). These data clearly indicate that cationic drugs and highly hydrophobic non-ionic drugs are susceptible to be adsorbed by PSS.The dissolution test of Adalat® L at pH 6.8, pH 4.5 and pH 1.2 in the presence of Argamate® Jelly showed that release of nifedipine was apparently depressed markedly at any pH.We propose that a description directing attention to the interaction with a wide range of drugs is added in the package inserts of PSS to avoid the occurrence of drug interactions.