小林 文男 橋本 学 柴田 巌
広島平和科学 (ISSN:03863565)
vol.16, pp.41-84, 1993

The purpose of this paper is to verify differences of the 'Peace Declarations' delivered in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1993. Needless to say, both these 'Declarations' appealed the total abolition of nuclear weapons and complete disarmament in the earth. But, in practice, there were so many differences of content between them. The authors sent out questionnaires for 311 members of Hiroshima university students. The question is 'As to the 'Peace Declarations' made in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1993. Which 'Declaration' do you feel sympathy for Hiroshima's or Nagasaki's ? And give your reasons for choosing it'. As a result, Nagasaki 'Peace Declaration' proved to have far higher opinions of the subjects than Hiroshima. The main reasons are as follows: (1) It was easier to understand 'Peace Declaration' of Nagasaki than of Hiroshima. (2) Hitoshi Motoshirna, the Mayor of Nagasaki,admitted that Japan had aggressed the Asian countries from 1910 to 1945, showed more friendly attitude to these countries than Takashi Hiraoka, the Mayor of Hiroshima. Nagasaki 'Peace Declarations' have had higher opinions than Hiroshima since the authors began this investigation on 1990. However, the 'Declaration' of Nagasaki in 1993 have more faults than the past 3 years beyond doubt. Because the support rate against it have come down than before. The faults are as follows: (1) The Nagasaki 'Declaration' never mentioned 'PKO' (Peace Keeping Operation) which Japan come up against now. (2) The Nagasaki 'Declaration' didn't definite the concreate compensation and assistance to non-Japanese victims of Atomic Bomb.
小林 文男 柴田 巌
広島平和科学 (ISSN:03863565)
vol.22, pp.201-234, 2000

In August 1999, Hiroshima and Nagasaki observed the fifty-forth anniversary of the atomic bomb dropping. As usual, the Mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki each delivered the Peace Declarations at the Peace Memorial Ceremonies. Needless to say, Hiroshima and Nagasaki have appealed for the total abolition of nuclear weapons and the creation of lasting world peace since that fatal day. The purpose of this paper is to verify how Hiroshima and Nagasaki's appeals which are showed in the ""Peace Declarations 1999"" move the foreigner on the results of inquiries for 35 Chinese students in Chiba Institute of Technology. The findings of our survey are as follows: [1] Only 8.6% of students were in favor of both of them. [2] one-fifths were for Hiroshima Peace Declaration. [3] 37.1% were for Nagasaki Peace Declaration. [4] Over 30% of students (34.3%) were in favor of neither of them. This time, among students, 28.6% ( [1] + [2] ) rated Hiroshima Peace Declaration ""good"" or ""excellent"", while 45.7% ( [1] + [3] ) rated Nagasaki Peace Declaration in this way. Certainly, Nagasaki's rate was superior to Hiroshima's rate, however, the Hiroshima's point is the second hightest in the last five surveys (49.5% in 1991). By cotrast, the Nagasaki's point was the lowest in the past (down 25.7% from 1998). Most striking of all, 34.3% of Chinese students were in favor of neither of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This point is the worst in the last surveys. Why they were against Hiroshima and Nagasaki Peace Declaration in 1999 ? The reasons are as follows: (1) These Peace Declarations didn't mention of Japan's War Responsibility. They believe that Japanese should not victimize oneself just because of atomic bomb, and they demand that Japanese should remember ""Nanjing Massacre"" and other sad incidents occured during Sino-Japanese war(1931-45) . (2) They question whether the total abolition of nuclear weapons equals to a peace of the world. They hope Hiroshima and Nagasaki will appeal to all nations states not only to abolish nuclear weapons bu
小林 文男 柴田 巌
広島平和科学 (ISSN:03863565)
no.14, pp.p23-46, 1991

The purpose of this paper is to throw light on the tragic life of a Chinese. His name is 'Zhu Zao-huo'(朱造火). On May 3rd, 1992, the authors who agreed to some volunteers' request of Nagasaki managed to find out his bereaved family (who live in an agricultural district in Hebei Province of China) and had an interview with them for some hours. Mr. Zhu Zao-huo was born in Hebei Province in 1925, and he passed away in Nagasaki City of Japan ini945. It goes without saying that Japan and China had been at war since 1931. That is the case, why was Mr. Zhu in the hostile country -Japan-, 1945 ? After 1942, in order to make up the lack of the work force, the then Japanese Government took up over 40,000 Chinese people to Japan, and compelled them to do muscular labor like a slave in colliery, harbor and building site. Mr. Zhu was taken over to the colliery in the north of Nagasaki Prefecture in November 1944. In Nagasaki, the Atomic Bomb dropping of the 9th of August, 1945 destroyed human lives in countless numbers. The victims are not only Japanese but also foreigners including prisoners of the Allied Forces, Korean, and Chinese. In Uragami branch of Nagasaki Prison, 33 members of Chinese were killed instantly at that time, Mr. Zhu was one of them. He was sent to this prison just two days befor the bombing. However, it can safely be said that he was innocent. If he was in the colliery without being falsely charged, he would not be sacrificed of the Atomic Bomb. Because the colliery was about sixty kilometers away from Nagasaki city. Nevertheless 47 years have passed since Mr. Zhu was dead, his bereaved family didn't know the time, the place and the cause of thier father's death until1 the authors met them. Unfortunately, Mr. Zhu's wife has already been dead without knowing self husband's last moment, in April 1992. Mr. Zhu Zao-huo is a victim not only of the Atomic Bomb by USA but also of Japanese Imperialism.
小林 文男 橋本 学 柴田 巌
広島平和科学 (ISSN:03863565)
vol.12, pp.79-103, 1989

The purpose of this paper is to examine Japanese people's current views of China after the Chinese Government's violent suppression of the democratic movement, so-called 'Tiananmen Incident', on June 4, 1989. The authors used thr following materials. (I) Letters about the Tiananmen Incident to the reader's columns of three major Japanese newspapers and one local paper in Hiroshima;the total is 103. (II) Questionnaires about China after the Tiananmen Incident; the contents (1) the future of the democratic movement (2) the possibilty of realization for modernization by the Chinese Government (3) the future of Sino-Japanese relations. The authors conducted a survey on 261 citizens in Hiroshima and 127 students of Hiroshima University, from the end of September to the end of Novenber, 1989. The findings are as fol1ows:many of Japanese people think (1) the democratic movement will take place again (2) modernization by the Chinese Government won't be able to achieve (3) it is necessary to develop Sino-Japanese relations. In fact, it means that Japanese people is in confusion about current China. Conseqently, the Japanese have a tendency to turn thier eyes away from current China. It can be said that the Tiananmen Incident caused a major change in Japanese views of China. Current confusion about China is, in some ways, quite similar to the views of China which prevailed in Japan before World War II. A feeling that Japan is 'aloof from Asia' is once again gaining strength.