桑田 倫幸 近田 裕子 BATUER JULAITI 森岡 友紀 山口 明 木佐谷 康 信田 勝美 板倉 宏昭
横幹連合コンファレンス予稿集 第11回横幹連合コンファレンス
pp.C-5-4, 2020 (Released:2020-11-21)

Shinagawa Ward is working to revitalize urban tourism in Tokyo. Shinagawa Ward formulated the “Shinagawa Ward Urban Development Master Plan” in 2013 and revised the “Shinagawa Ward Urban Tourism Plan” in 2016. Based on this, we attempt to examine the regional value chain of the shopping street that one of the important local resources in Shinagawa Ward, through a textual analysis of the minutes of the Ward Residents' Committee meeting that investigates tourism and industrial promotion within the standing committee of the Shinagawa Ward Council.