天野 光孝 加戸 隆介 橘高 二郎
The Sessile Organisms Society of Japan
付着生物研究 (ISSN:03883531)
vol.5, no.2, pp.7-12, 1985-03-20 (Released:2009-10-09)

A leaflike shrimp Nebalia sp., which belongs to the most primitive genus of Malacostraca, has been found abundantly at the base of Bryopsis sp. growing in an outdoor concrete tank used for Homarus culture at Sanriku. The species is considered to be desirable as a living food organism for larval rearing because of its suitable size and tolerance to deterioration of the bottom condition.Sampling was done in the pond from July to December of 1983. Water temperature ranged from 22.3°C in summer to 4.5°C in winter. The animals were found throughout the season with the highest occurrence of egg-bearing females in October. The larvae were reared successfully at water temperature between 15°C to 25°C in combination with the salinity between 20‰ to 33‰ under the continuous darkness. The larvae showed the best growth at 25°C in combination with 33‰. The most effective food for the larval rearing in the laboratory was the fine particles of the dried food as shrimp pellet and krill.The larvae hatched out as adult form. Number of segments in the flagellum branches of the first antenna and the second antenna increased from 3:3, expressed as segmentation formula, at I stage to 4:3, 5:4, 6:5, 7:6 and 8:7 at II, III, IV, V and VI stages, respectively. After VII stage, the increase became irregular.
橘高 二郎 今村 賢太郎
The Sessile Organisms Society of Japan
付着生物研究 (ISSN:03883531)
vol.3, no.1, pp.53-59, 1981-09-20 (Released:2009-10-09)
1 9

Grazing activity of sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus nudus and St. intermedius, which were fed marine fouling organisms, was obserbed. Mussel, Mytilus edulis galloprovincialis, and barnacles, Balanus tintinnabulum, B. rostratus and B. trigonus, were eaten by sea urchins. A linear relation was found between the maximum diameter of the mouth of sea urchins (d mm) and the the maximum shell length of the mussels (l mm). The mussels were eaten completely in the case of l≤d. The maximum number of mussels eaten was 15/day/sea urchin. The mussels were eaten partially in the case of d<1≤1.75d, but they were not eaten at all in the case of l>1.75d. Averege number of barnacles scraped was 3.3/day/sea urchin. B. tintinnabulum of thin shell was eaten better than B. trigonus and B. rostratus of thick shell. When a sea urchin was introduced into the netting cage of cultured scallop, Patinopecten yessoensis, the sea urchin fed on encrusting bryozoans and compound ascidians as well as slime fouled on the shell surface of the scallop. Thus, the grazing activity of the sea urchins is applicable to controlling fouling organisms on cultured scallop.
橘高 二郎

イセエビ類フィロゾーマの完全飼育をJasus、PanulirusおよびPalinurusの3属について行うと共に、天然採集により得たプエルルスを用いて生態観察および生理実験を行った。1.変態プエルルスの作出 従来困難であったフィロゾーマの完全飼育は、飼育条件としてNannochloropsis sp.100〜500万細胞/ml、アムモニア態窒素1.4ppm以下、COD1.2ppm以下、細菌数10^3〜10^5CFU/mlを適用することにより達成された。平成4、5年度のプエルルス生産尾数はJ.edw-ardsii 5、J.verreauxi 24、Panulirus japonicus 4、Palinurus elephas 2尾であった。プエルルスの観察実験への供試尾数の増加を図るためJ.edwardsii(ニュージーランド)、J.verreauxi(オーストラリア)、Panulirus argns(米国)のプエルルスについて天然採集を行った。2.プエルルスの生態 飼育によるプエルルスの期間は最短でPanulirsuおよびPalinurusは12日、Jasusは20日であった。これらのプエルルスはすべて無投餌で稚エビに脱皮し、水温がプエルルスの期間を決める唯一の環境要因であることが示された。プエルルスは水温の変化に対して抵抗性があり、冷水性のJasus属は28℃の高温に、温水性のPanulirus属は15℃の低温に耐えることができた。着底基盤はJ.edwardsiiは岩の割れ目、J.verreauxiは海藻であるが、P.japonicusはその両方、P.ele-phasは岩の上であった。なおJ.edwardsiiでは潜砂行動に日周性が示された。3.プエルルスの生理 変態後接岸するまでの間のプエルルスは透明であるが、定着数日後には中腸腺が肉眼で認められるようになり、甲殻への色素の沈着が進行して稚エビに脱皮する。プエルルスの中腸腺前葉・中葉の先端部(J.edwardsiiの場合)、または中葉・後葉の合流部(P.argusの場合)には樹状に体腔中に延びる脂肪体の存在が認められた。プエルルスの生育に伴い脂肪体は減少し、それがプエルルス期の栄養貯蔵器官であることが示された。