原 志織 武内 珠美 前田 明
教育実践総合センター紀要 (ISSN:13485881)
no.31, pp.27-42, 2014-03

本研究では,広汎性発達障害(以下,PDD)児・者を同胞にもつ者(以下,きょうだい)5名を対象に半構造化面接を行い,親からの情報や説明のあり方が,PDDをもつ同胞に対するきょうだいの障害理解および心理的葛藤の変化に及ぼす影響について,複線経路・等至性モデル(TEM)を用いて分析を行った。その結果,きょうだいの障害理解は親から教えられる情報や親が同胞を支援していく姿に影響を受けることが見出された。さらに,高校以降になると親以外から情報を得る機会が増える環境となり,きょうだいの中には次第に親をサポートする役割へと変化していく者もいた。また,きょうだいの心理的葛藤には「同胞に対する葛藤」と「親に対する葛藤」があることが示された。さらに,高校以降になると将来についての不安が高まり,「同胞と共に生きる自分の人生」について考え始めるので,その際,自分と同胞の将来について親と話し,人生選択における制約や役割を明確にすることが不安を低減することがわかった。いずれにせよ,どのように同胞と関わるべきかについての親の説明や説得は丁寧になされるべきであると考えられる。以上の結果を元に,きょうだいに対する支援のあり方について考察した。 The present research aimed at investigating the effects of the extent and the content###which parents had been explaining to their daughters (N=5) of those whom were normal siblings of individuals with PDD about the disorders upon the normal siblings'###understanding of the disorders and at suggesting how support them educationally to get along better with their sisters/brothers with PDD. Data from survey semi-structured###interviews were analyzed with a Trajectory Equifinality Model (TEM). The results###showed three main findings as follows. First, how siblings came to understand disorders of their sisters/brothers with PDD were influenced by either obtaining information through their parents regarding the disorders or watching how siblings with PDD were supported by parents to do anything in daily life. Second, some of siblings in and after senior high school age were gradually to play a role in helping parents to take care of sisters/brothers. At the time, because siblings had begun to raise a feeling of uneasiness about their own future and to think of their life in which they would have been living together with sisters/brothers with PDD, it was more effective to siblings to reduce the uneasy feeling that they talked with parents seriously about future of both themselves###and sisters/brother. The third finding was that there were two kinds of mental conflict in siblings' minds. One is the feeling toward siblings with PDD and another one is toward parents. Finally, on the basis of results as above, it was discussed about what educational support for siblings to get along better with their sisters/brothers with PDD should be required.