大坪 健太 春日 晃章 小栗 和雄 鈴木 康介 武山 有香
教育医学 (ISSN:02850990)
vol.65, no.2, pp.138-146, 2019 (Released:2019-11-01)

This study aimed to clarify the exercise intensity of the motor learning scenes in elementary school physical education class. The subjects were 28 children (16 boys and 12 girls) in the 5th grade. We examined all five exercises of long jump, physical expression, tag rugby, hurdle run and tee ball. Lifecorder GS (SUZUKEN Co.,Ltd.) was used to measure exercise intensity. The results of the analysis showed a significant difference in exercise intensity among individuals. The analysis revealed difference in exercise intensity between tag rugby and tee ball, between tag rugby and long jump, and between physical expression and long jump (p<0.05). About differences among the average of exercise intensity in exercise, hurdle run was significantly higher than tag rugby, physical expression, and tee ball, and the long jump was significantly higher than the tee ball(p<0.05). In each exercise, the proportion of motor learning scenes was 75.4%, 70.7%, 62.8%, 58.0%, and 43.9%, for tee ball, physical expression, long jump, hurdle run, and tag rugby, respectively. These findings suggest that exercise intensity did not increase when motor learning scenes were secured. The incorporation of high-intensity activities in exercises with low exercise intensity may be necessary.