大坪 健太 春日 晃章 清水 紀宏 中野 貴博
体育測定評価研究 (ISSN:13471309)
pp.jjtehpe.HPM202301, (Released:2023-01-31)

The purpose of this study was to identify contributors that are beneficial for both physical fitness and academic achievement in children. To achieve this, multiple factors were investigated in the home environment. The study participants consisted of 437 children in the sixth grade of elementary school. Results from their physical fitness and academic tests were obtained. In addition to physical fitness and academic achievement, the average of physical fitness and academic achievement by T-score was calculated and used as the High physical fitness and high academic achievement score. A 68-item questionnaire on home environment was completed by the children's parents or caregivers, and the results were linked to data obtained for physical fitness and academic performance. Single-correlation analysis was conducted with physical fitness, academic achievement, high physical fitness and academic achievement scores. Factors in the home environment that were significantly correlated were also extracted. Multiple regression analysis was conducted with home factors set as the independent variables and the three ability ratings set as dependent variables. Results from the analysis suggested that parent-child involvement in exercise and sport as well as the father's physical competence strongly correlated with an improvement in physical fitness. Factors relating to socioeconomic status, such as the parents educational level as well as expectations for the child to perform well academically, was strongly correlated with academic performance. In addition, in terms of both physical fitness and academic achievement, the parents' educational background, the father's physical competence, and the frequency of parent-child conversations about athletic sports have a strong influence on the child's ability to perform well.
大坪 健太 春日 晃章 中野 貴博 小長谷 研二 杉浦 ひなの
教育医学 (ISSN:02850990)
vol.66, no.2, pp.121-129, 2020 (Released:2020-11-01)

The purpose of this study was to examine the academic difference due to the evaluation of the integrated type difference based on the degree of obesity. The subjects were 1269 elementary school 6th graders (648 boys and 621 girls) and 988 middle school 3rd graders (511 boys and 477 girls). The degree of obesity was calculated based on the standard weight for the subject’s sex, age, and height. We examined the difference in the average number of correct answers in the national school achievement test based on the degree of obesity using a one-way ANOVA. As a result of the analysis, the following findings were obtained. 1. Among elementary school students, there was a significant difference in academic ability among normal and obese children; the academic level of obese children was lower in both boys and girls. 2. There was no significant difference in academic ability between obese and normal middle school students. However, the academic achievement level of obese boys tended to be large and slightly lower than that of normal boys. These results suggest that establishing a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a standard weight contributes to the healthy development of cognitive function, including academic ability, in children.
大坪 健太 春日 晃章 小栗 和雄 鈴木 康介 武山 有香
教育医学 (ISSN:02850990)
vol.65, no.2, pp.138-146, 2019 (Released:2019-11-01)

This study aimed to clarify the exercise intensity of the motor learning scenes in elementary school physical education class. The subjects were 28 children (16 boys and 12 girls) in the 5th grade. We examined all five exercises of long jump, physical expression, tag rugby, hurdle run and tee ball. Lifecorder GS (SUZUKEN Co.,Ltd.) was used to measure exercise intensity. The results of the analysis showed a significant difference in exercise intensity among individuals. The analysis revealed difference in exercise intensity between tag rugby and tee ball, between tag rugby and long jump, and between physical expression and long jump (p<0.05). About differences among the average of exercise intensity in exercise, hurdle run was significantly higher than tag rugby, physical expression, and tee ball, and the long jump was significantly higher than the tee ball(p<0.05). In each exercise, the proportion of motor learning scenes was 75.4%, 70.7%, 62.8%, 58.0%, and 43.9%, for tee ball, physical expression, long jump, hurdle run, and tag rugby, respectively. These findings suggest that exercise intensity did not increase when motor learning scenes were secured. The incorporation of high-intensity activities in exercises with low exercise intensity may be necessary.