入口 陽介 小田 丈二 冨野 泰弘 依光 展和 園田 隆賀 岸 大輔 橋本 真紀子 中河原 亜希子 霧生 信明 清水 孝悦 水谷 勝 山里 哲郎 並木 伸 長濱 正亞 山村 彰彦 細井 董三
pp.779-793, 2020-05-25

要旨●スキルスとは,病理組織学的に癌組織の間質に線維性組織増生が顕著な状態の総称であり,スキルス胃癌は臨床的に「胃癌取扱い規約」の肉眼型の4型を指すことが多い.そこで,本邦における4型胃癌の経時的な発生頻度,形態学的・病理組織学的特徴を検討した.全国集計による進行胃癌の肉眼型別・年次推移をみると,4型胃癌は,1984年度13.8%から2014年度6.5%に減少していた.また,当センターにおいて過去29年間に経験した4型胃癌93例を対象として,原発巣(粘膜内進展部)の部位と背景粘膜から,①胃底腺型,②腺境界型,③幽門腺型の3型に分類し,2007年度を境に前期45例,後期48例に分けて検討した.後期では胃底腺型が特に減少し,腺境界型,幽門腺型の割合が増加していた.胃底腺型は,前後期ともに原発巣の大きさが25cm2以下で陥凹は深く組織型は未分化型腺癌が多かった.一方,腺境界型は,前後期ともに原発巣の大きさが50cm2以上で陥凹は浅かったが,後期では組織混在型の割合が増加していた.幽門腺型は原発巣の大きさに比較して粘膜下層以深の面積は大きくなく,前後期ともに組織混在型が約30%に認められた.H. pylori感染状態の検討では,前期はすべて現感染であったが,後期では現感染42例,未感染2例(胃底腺型2例),除菌後4例(胃底腺型1例,腺境界型2例,幽門腺型1例)であった.以上から,スキルス胃癌,4型進行胃癌の正確な診断のためには,原発巣の部位・背景粘膜の相違による形態学的・病理組織学的特徴を十分に理解して,スクリーニング,精密検査を行うことが重要である.
祢宜田 和正 山下 雅代 久保田 敏行 杉浦 洋二 三浦 崇則 勝見 章男 太田 満 齋竹 達郎 戸澤 良夫 水谷 勝
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.27, no.2, pp.123-131, 2001-04-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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Although vancomycin has been exclusively used for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) therapy, there are many patients recently observed to suffer from gram negative bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa as well as MRSA.Arbekacin (ABK), an aminoglycoside antibiotic (AG) is an alternative medication for such patients with those infection disease. However, it seems that the dosage of ABK used according to the manufacture's recommendations is insufficient for MRSA therapy to obtain a sufficient patient outcomes. Moreover, the relationship between the effectiveness of ABK on MRSA infection and the serum ABK concentration remains unclear. For the long-term treatment of AG, we can not rule out the possibility that AG may induce nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity.Therefore, the present study was carried out to clarify the significance of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of ABK for patients with an MRSA infection, and elucidate the relationship between the serum ABK level and its clinical outcomes, including its antibacterial action and side effects. We investigated 30 patients with an MRSA infection, who received ABK at the Anjo Kosei Hospital from September 1996 to June 1998. The treatment of the patients by ABK but without TDM showed a 46.6% (7/15) therapeutic efficacy, while the patients with drug monitoring had a remarkably successful therapeutic efficacy (100% : 21/21) with a peak serum ABK concentration over 10μg/mL. Dysphagia badly affected the efficacy of ABK therapy in patients with an MRSA infection even when the serum ABK level was well-controlled. The incidence of ABK induced nephrotoxicity was observed in all patients when ABK was administered at a total dose of over 5, 000mg, while it was 4% at a total dose of less than 5, 000mg. When the duration of ABK therapy was longer than 2 weeks, the incidence of nephrotoxicity also significantly increased.These results thus suggest that TDM of ABK is useful for increasing the efficacy of ABK therapy in patients with an MRSA infection. In light of nephrotoxicity, these results indicate that ABK therapy may be completed within 2 weeks with an ABK dose of less than 5, 000mg, as the total dose.