飯島 満 永井 美和子 中山 俊介
無形文化遺産研究報告 = Research and Reports on Intangible Cultural Heritage
no.5, pp.53-76, 2011-03-31

Filmon endless sound-belt is a medium capable of recording for a long time. It was developed in Japan in the latter half of the 1930s. While the recording time of a 10-inch record, which was generally the most popular type of record at the time, is about 3 minutes, it was possible to record for over 30 minutes on a Filmon endless sound-belt. Today, Filmon endless sound-belt is half forgotten for several reasons. First, it was manufactured only for a short period, from 1938 to 1940; second, a special player was necessary; and third, open-reel tapes and LP records appeared after World War II. The National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo has been conducting jointinvestigation of the Filmon endless sound-belt with The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum Waseda University since the fiscal year 2009. In this intermediate report, focus is placed on what types of contents were recorded on sound-belts and how many of each were manufactured as well as how many of them can be confirmed to exist today.
後藤 美希 鈴木 蓉子 竹入 洋太郎 大村 美穂 神野 雄一 竹内 真 永井 美和子 江口 聡子 中林 稔 東梅 久子 横尾 郁子 有本 貴英
pp.289-294, 2021-03-10

▶概要 常勤内視鏡技術認定医不在下で子宮体癌に対する腹腔鏡手術を導入し,治療成績について以前の開腹手術症例と後方視的に比較検討した.腹腔鏡手術では開腹手術に比べて出血量の減少,術後在院日数の短縮を認めた.合併症に関しては重篤なものは認めず安全に腹腔鏡手術の導入ができたと思われるが,腹腔鏡手術で有意に多いという結果になり,そのうちの50%は下肢の神経障害であった.いずれもBMI30以上の肥満症例であり,術者が手術操作に熟練するまでは手術適応のBMI基準を低く設定することも必要と考えられた.また,内視鏡技術認定医と婦人科悪性腫瘍専門医が密に連携して手術操作を行うことが重要と思われた.