清川 敦子
東アジア文化交渉研究 東アジア文化研究科開設記念号 (ISSN:18827748)
pp.129-142, 2012-03-24

Many art historians stated the influential facts on ukiyo-e from Chinese woodblock prints. During the Edo period the woodcuts of Suzhou (soshu-hanga) were imported into Japan at Nagasaki trade and they played very important role for the development of ukiyo-e. In this paper I look into few important phenomena how Chinese woodblock prints influenced ukiyo-e prints from the views of the pioneer nishiki-e artist, Suzuki Harunobu. He may have had the opportunity to see the woodcuts of Suzhou because he was in the environment which Hiraga Gennai and other professionals had accepted new cultures from abroad. This paper discusses the similarities between Harunobu's works and the woodcuts of Suzhou, and the possibilities which Harunobu had created his works by taking hints from Chinese woodblock prints as he was one of the internationally influenced artists.