清水 勝嘉
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.42, no.2, pp.72-86, 1976

In this papes, administrative orpanization for public health, tuberculosis control and prevention of venereal disease, which had been involved in the problems of public health in the early years of the Showa Era, were discribed. 1. In those days, public health administration had been centrlized to the Health Bureau and Social Bureau of the Ministry of Home Affairs, and they gave their instructions to the Public Health Section of the Prefectural Police Department. Countermeasures for the chronic infectious diseases were the most imoprtant problems at that time. 2. The mortality from tuberculosis in Japan was two or three times higher than that of Western countris, and there were poor and insufficient preventive facilites in all over the country. It was epock making in 1932 that the Health Guidance Clinic were established in every prefectures in order to prevent against tuberculosis by the subsides offered from NHK (Nihon Hoso Kyokai), but not by the national budget. 3. Licenced and unlicened prostitute, geisha, waitress and barmaid had been the major contagion source of venreal disease. Legal inspection system for the syphilis was forcibly applied only to the licenced prostitutes, but the others took the medical check only when they were arrested. Since 1928, when the original Venereal Disease Prevention Law enforced, all prostitures, streetwalkers, geishas, barmaids and waitresses have forcibly taken medical check for the venereal disease.
清水 勝嘉
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.44, no.2, pp.52-66, 1978 (Released:2010-06-28)

In this paper, maternal and child health, which had been involved in the problems of public health in the early years of the Showa Era, were described.1) From the Taisho era to the early years of the Showa era, birth rate in Japan was around 30 per 1, 000 population, while death rate was around 20 per 1, 000 population.2) In 1926, the infant death rate had been 13.6 per 100 live births, still birth rate was 55.7 per 1, 000 total births, and maternal mortality rate was 27.1 per 10, 000 total births(live birth and still birth).Maternal care was supported, in part, by the Poor Lave(1929), but govermental services for the maternal care not sufficient by the reason of financial panic.Therefore, maternal and child health had not been improved in those days in Japan.
清水 勝嘉
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.42, no.2, pp.87-97, 1976 (Released:2011-02-25)

In this paper, trachoma and blindness, leprosy, and parasitosis, which had been involved in the problems of public health in the early years of the Showa Era, were described. 1. Morbidity rate of trachoma in the beginning of Showa declined as compared with that in the Meiji and Taisho Era. There may be main factors of the declination of morbidity rate that emphasis was laid on the trachoma in physical examination for school children and conscriptee, that preventive measure against trachoma required small expense and that the mass examination for trachoma was simple and easy. Blindness was closely related with trachoma. 2. The goverment organization of the National Leprosarium was proclaimed in 1927 and Leprosy Prevention Law was widely revised in 1931. Since then prevention of leprosy have been made it a principle to isolate the patients in the National Leprosarium. 3. It appeared obvious in the beginning of the Showa Era that higher morbidity rate of parasitosis was 40%-60% in urban and 70%-80% in rural area. Parasitosis Prevention Law was proclaimed in 1931. However, the morbidity rate showed no decreasing tendency. Major countermeasures against parasitosis in those days were the stool examination for paraites, administration of anthelminthic, and popularization of new type of lavatory improved by the Ministry of Home Affaires.
清水 勝嘉
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.42, no.2, pp.72-86, 1976 (Released:2011-02-25)

In this papes, administrative orpanization for public health, tuberculosis control and prevention of venereal disease, which had been involved in the problems of public health in the early years of the Showa Era, were discribed. 1. In those days, public health administration had been centrlized to the Health Bureau and Social Bureau of the Ministry of Home Affairs, and they gave their instructions to the Public Health Section of the Prefectural Police Department. Countermeasures for the chronic infectious diseases were the most imoprtant problems at that time. 2. The mortality from tuberculosis in Japan was two or three times higher than that of Western countris, and there were poor and insufficient preventive facilites in all over the country. It was epock making in 1932 that the Health Guidance Clinic were established in every prefectures in order to prevent against tuberculosis by the subsides offered from NHK (Nihon Hoso Kyokai), but not by the national budget. 3. Licenced and unlicened prostitute, geisha, waitress and barmaid had been the major contagion source of venreal disease. Legal inspection system for the syphilis was forcibly applied only to the licenced prostitutes, but the others took the medical check only when they were arrested. Since 1928, when the original Venereal Disease Prevention Law enforced, all prostitures, streetwalkers, geishas, barmaids and waitresses have forcibly taken medical check for the venereal disease.
澤井 清 清水 勝嘉
特定非営利活動法人 日本医学図書館協会
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.25, no.3, pp.123-129, 1978

本稿は, 開国後の来日宣教医および来日アメリカ人医師の第1号であるヘボンが本国に送った書簡を中心に, 彼が行った救療事業について述べたものである。ヘボンが行った救療事業は, キリスト教宣教の手段であった。ヘボンは1861年4月から9月までの神奈川宗興寺における6ヶ月間と, さらに1862年12月に横浜の居留地39番に居を移してから1879年春までの合計18年間, 救療事業を行った。ヘボンの書簡の中に記されている内容は幕末・維新期にかけてのわが国の民衆の疾病状況あるいはヘボン自身が行った手術などを詳細に知らせてくれる。ヘボンの行った救療事業は完全無料であり, 当時わが国に欠けていた社会事業を補完するものと考えてよい。