渡邉 千香 木南 莉莉
新潟大学農学部研究報告 (ISSN:03858634)
vol.59, no.1, pp.11-19, 2006-08

上海市は経済成長の著しい中国の中で最も経済発展を遂げた都市の一つであると同時に、「都市部住民最低生活保障制度」を全国に先駆けて導入するなど、積極的に貧困問題を取り組む都市でもある。本稿は、上海市における多様な貧困対策のひとつである「糧油補助制度」に焦点を当てて分析を行った。「糧油補助制度」の受給者および制度を実施する担当者への聞き取り調査や一般市民へのアンケート調査を通じて「糧油補助制度」の認知度・効果・問題点などが明らかになった。まず、一般市民を対象としたアンケート調査回答者のうち約3割の者がこの制度を知っていると答えた。また、「糧油補助制度」の受給者はこの制度が栄養状況の改善に役立ったと評価する一方で、補助額の基準や補助対象者の特定などの適正さや正確さへの改善を求めていることが明らかになった。Shanghai is not only a city which has reached the highest speed of economic development among the cities of China where economic growth is remarkable but also a city which has introduced "Security System for Urban Minimum Standard of Living" in advance of the whole country. This research focused on "Food Assistance System" that was one of the various counter-poverty policies in Shanghai. The recognition level, the effect, and the problem etc. of "Food Assistance System" were clarified through taking interviews and questionnaire survey both to the recipients and executers of the system and general residents in Shanghai. About 30 percent of those who answered the questionnaire survey replied that they knew this system. However, the improvement on the propriety of standard for assistance and the accuracy of specification for recipients were requested both by the recipients and executers of the system while this system was evaluated to be useful to the improvement of poor people' s nutrition condition