渡邉 英之
野生生物と社会 (ISSN:24240877)
vol.11, pp.73-78, 2023 (Released:2023-10-28)

Raccoons (Procyon lotor) are known to affect natural ecosystems through their predation on amphibians. To protect these amphibians and the natural ecosystem, there is a need to understand the population density and habitat distribution of raccoons. Sayama Hills is an important habitat for rare amphibians. However, there is limited information on the raccoon population at this location. In this study, I investigated the distribution and relative abundance of raccoons through surveys based on raccoon claw marks on temple pillars and hunting and culling statistics in Sayama Hills. Raccoon claw marks of were found in 30 of 73 temples investigated across Sayama Hills. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) values of the studied cities were 0.79-3.43, except for Higashimurayama, which had no capture records and few raccoon markings. On the Tokyo side of Sayama Hills, the CPUE values were higher in the western cities. Based on these results, the raccoon populations appear to have established their distribution in Sayama Hills, showing an east-west cline in abundance on the Tokyo side. Such a spatial inclination needs to be considered in future management plans of raccoons.