渡部 恒夫 宮坂 斉 井上 駿一 玉置 哲也 小林 英夫
千葉医学雑誌 (ISSN:03035476)
vol.54, no.5, pp.235-241, 1978-10

Microvascular surgery has been practised in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery of Chiba University Hospital since 1975, and the first successful replantation of a completely amputated a ring finger of a 16-year-old boy was performed in August 1975. Up to April 1978, we have had 30 cases of severed limbs and fingers, including complete or incomplete amputations of 30 digits, amputation or vascular injury of 3 forearms, and each case of complete amputation of wrist, midpalm, and ankle. In these cases, 8 digits, a forearm and an ankle failed to replant. The final success rate of our replantation was 72.2 per cent. We presented 4 typical cases of replantation. Our microsuture technique was described, and the indication of replantation and the experiment or clinical application of microvascular surgery were discussed.