溝渕 園子
文学部論叢 (ISSN:03887073)
vol.103, pp.153-163, 2012-03-10

During the short span of two wars, the Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) and the Russo-Japanese (1904-1905), victorious Japan began to perceive itself as an equal member among the ranks of modern Western countries. Having self-confidence brought on by the success of the two wars, the concept of "world map" (Andou, 1998) changed in the minds of the Japanese in terms of cultural and political status. This attitude was reflected in the education of young people. For example, at the beginnings of both of those wars were boys' and girls' magazines. The aime of this paper is to examine how the cultural images of Western countries had been formed in "Syoujo-kai", a Japanese girls' magazine, before and after the Russo-Japanese War. In the publication, there is information about girls' schools and institutions of higher education, cautionary tales by experts, news, reports on various topics, a corner for the readers' contributions, and the introduction of foreign culture. Thus, by extracting the images of Russia from this magazine's materials, we are able to locate cues into the thinking of how Western countries were perceived in modern Japan. In this paper, from the viewpoint of comparisons with a boys' magazine, I analyzed what images of Western countries are depicted in both magazines, and what images are not shown in a girls' magazine compared with a boy's magazine. Through this analysis, I tried to concretely consider the images of Russia structures by the media, i.e., girls' magazine in the Meiji Era. Moreover, by exploring the materials, several issues of gender concerning the culture surrounding modern Japanese magazines will be brought up.
溝渕 園子
日本フランス語フランス文学会 中国・四国支部
フランス文学 (ISSN:09125078)
no.32, pp.52-64, 2019-06-01

溝渕 園子
比較文学 (ISSN:04408039)
vol.47, pp.102-113, 2005

<p> In Russian literature, various images of Japanese have been described. These can be divided broadly into two figurative types, the 'musume'(the 'geisha') and the 'samurai' (as 'noble savages' types). These groups have also been frequently represented in other European literatures. However, additional types that have not been conventionally categorized have also appeared. This paper investigates one particular aspect of the images of Japanese represented by Russian writers, by analyzing the popular historical novel, <i>Tri Vozrasta Okini-san (Three Ages of Okini-san)</i>.</p><p> First, by describing the love story in Nagasaki between a Russian navy officer and Japanese 'musume', I analyze Pikul's novel from the point of view of Orientalism (Edward W. Said) and trace the typical formation of Orientalism in the novel.</p><p> Secondly, the historical context will be discussed. The story is set during the period of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905,and the Russian Revolution of 1917. The best-selling novel was published for political purposes in 1981, during the cold war and just following the boycott of the Moscow Olympics. I will examine the political problems involved in the 'samurai' figure in the novel. This paper takes the position that Pikul's novel reconfirmed justifications for dominating Asia, that is, there is evidence of 'Russian Orientalism'.</p><p> In post-Soviet Russian literature, however, we can find images of Japanese that do not conform to historically stereotypical images. The popular detective novel <i>Leviafan (Leviathan)</i> by Bolis Akunin will be used to illustrate indications of changing images, although stereotypical images of 'musume' and 'samurai' do tenaciously remain.</p>
溝渕 園子 ミゾブチ ソノコ Mizobuchi Sonoko
Acculturation dans les epoques d'internationalisation / 国際化時代の異文化受容
pp.107-119, 2007

本稿では、この『コーカサスのとりこ』が、日露戦争期の日本において、どのような作品として翻訳されたのかを検証する。その目的は、従来のトルストイ受容史ですでに明らかにされている平和主義者トルストイ像の系譜とは異なる一面に光をあてることである。 まず、明治期の日本におけるトルストイ受容経路の概要を、先行研究に照らして確認する、そうしたトルストイ受容史をふまえた上で、『コーカサスのとりこ』が初期翻訳においてどのように捉えられていたのかを、媒体となった掲載誌の特徴を通して把握する。次に、初期翻訳を原文と対比させ、相違点を指摘することにより、『コーカサスのとりこ』が明治期の翻訳当初、どのような文脈におかれていたのかを論じる。最後に、これらの考察を通して、戦争との関わりからトルストイ受容史のさらなる一面の可能性を確認したい。