滝沢 利直
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1988, no.58, pp.28-40, 1988-11-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

Children today are not only forced to acquire bookish systematic knowledge, but also in the realm of morality are forced to obey school regulations and are taught discipline from a social dimension which has turned petrified and fragmentalised being pervaded by technological mechanisms. As a result, children are floating on a plane of provisional adaptability in their living places, or are in a state of complete deviation.But as Dewey points out, the process of human living is an event arising from an interaction between the individual on one side and environment, habits and customs on the other side. Especially moral education discovers its concrete process in the subjective habit formation in this place of mutual interaction. Even today as in former times, in the children's concrete life situation a fertile ground is to be found inside the habits for the emotions and intelligence. The concrete process of education can discover this in the situation where subjective habits are being formed.