熊川 真二 中田 和義 川井 唯史
日本ベントス学会誌 (ISSN:1345112X)
vol.66, no.1, pp.26-32, 2011-10-15 (Released:2012-10-11)
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Official documents and archives suggest that the alien crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana, 1852) was introduced into Japan from North America on five occasions from 1926 to 1930, and populations have survived in Hokkaido, Nagano, and Shiga Prefectures. The chemical conditions and biological environment of an established habitat near their original a release point in Akashina, Azumino City, Nagano Prefecture, were surveyed on four occasions in 1998 and 1999. Water quality (pH, DO, BOD) and WT were recorded seasonally at each of eight stations, and crayfish and other aquatic macro-organisms were collected. Some predatory fishes (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Anguilla japonica, and Lepomis macrochirus) that might actively eat juveniles of P. leniusculus were recorded. Individual density of P. leniusculus was relatively low compared to its other habitats in Japan. Only 52 crayfish were collected during this study, on 19 of 32 sampling occasions (eight sites, four times each). The shape of the acumen and the species composition of ectosymbiotic crayfish worms (Annelida: Clitellata: Branchiobdellidae) can be used as tools to trace the origin of introduced of P. leniusculus in Japan. The present crayfish from Nagano Prefecture have a relatively short acumen, different from those of specimens from Shiga and Hokkaido Prefectures. Furthermore, the crayfish worm Xironogiton victoriensis occurs only on crayfish from Akashina, Nagano Prefecture. The dates of introduction of P. leniusculus in Nagano (1926, 1929) also differ from those for Hokkaido (1930) and Shiga Prefecture (1926). These findings suggest that the regional population of P. leniusculus in Nagano has a different origin than those in Shiga and Hokkaido, having originated from crayfish that were introduced independently from North America.
熊川 真二
長野県水産試験場研究報告 (ISSN:02893045)
no.10, pp.7-16, 2008-03

1.魚食性鳥獣類の消化管内に残る未消化の魚類組織断片の計測値から被食魚類の体長、体重を推定する換算式を、コイ科魚類のウグイとフナ、サケ科魚類のヤマメ、並びにサンフィッシュ科魚類のコクチバスとオオクチバスの5魚種について作成した。2.未消化の魚類組織としては、胃の中での保存状態の良かった咽頭骨、主上顎骨、前上顎骨、歯骨、腹椎骨、鱗及び水晶体の7組織を用いた。3.コイ科魚類のウグイとフナでは咽頭骨からの種判別が有効で、咽頭骨長(X1)を計測して以下の換算式(Y1)に当てはめることで、精度の高い体長推定が可能である。ウグイ:Y1=12.0787 X1(1.031)、フナ:Y1=8.0480 X1(1.034)。4.サケ科魚類のヤマメでは主上顎骨長(X1)または歯骨長(X2)を計測して以下の換算式(Y1、Y2)に当てはめることで、精度の高い体長推定が可能である。ヤマメ:Y1=6.3762 X1(1.118)、Y2=9.7287 X2(1.004)。5.サンフィッシュ科のオオクチバスでは歯骨長(X2)、歯骨高(X3)、または前上顎骨長(X1)を計測して以下の換算式(Y1、Y2、Y3)に当てはめることで、精度の高い体長推定が可能である。コクチバスではオオクチバスに比べて精度は劣ったが、同じ方法で推定が可能である。コクチバス:Y1=7.2434 X1(1.096)、Y2=6.2613 X2(1.098)、Y3=21.2888 X3(1.012)。オオクチバス:Y1=9.3816 X1(0.934)、Y2=9.0824 X2(0.922)、Y3=24.8787 X3(0.889)。6.体重の推定精度はすべての魚種で体長の推定精度に比較して低かったが、ウグイ及びフナでは咽頭骨長(X1)、ヤマメでは主上顎骨長(X1)、コクチバス及びオオクチバスでは歯骨高(X3)などを用いることで比較的精度の高い推定が可能である。