神谷 和秀 神谷 長幸 野村 俊 田代 発造
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.73, no.725, pp.10-15, 2007-01-25

Leonardo da Vinci is not only famous as the artist who painted master pieces such as "The Last Supper" and "Mona Lisa", he is also a great scientist and engineer. He left records of many original scientific investions and explorations in books now known as Leonardo's Codices. These codices include anatomical charts, mechanical equipment, civil engineering concepts, and drawings related to architecture, astronomy, botany, and so on. The contents of these Codices are interesting for beginners who are studying mechanical engineering, although beginners are not used to recognizing a solid from a drawing. Therefore, models were reconstructed from the drawings in these codices, to be used as teaching materials for the study of mechanical engineering. In a lecture as part of a mechanics course, it was possible to generate an interest in mechanical engineering among beginners who studied the mechanics by using the reconstructed models. Similarly, an opportunity to consider the field of mechanical engineering was given to students of primary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools, and their parents, by the reconstructed models presented in the DA VINCI Festival at Toyama Prefectural University.