福岡 正人
特定非営利活動法人 日本血管外科学会
日本血管外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:09186778)
vol.18, no.7, pp.677-681, 2009-11-25 (Released:2009-12-25)

今回われわれは,血液透析患者のブラッドアクセス作成困難症例に対し,前胸部に人工血管を移植するarterio-arterial prosthetic loop(AAPL)を 4 例経験したので報告 する.【症例 1】80歳女性.左上腕表在化動脈が閉塞.僧帽弁閉鎖不全症(MR-IV度). 【症例 2】50歳男性.糖尿病性腎症により透析歴12年.表在静脈なく,右内シャント側の手背に虚血性潰瘍あり.【症例 3】72歳女性.透析歴 7 年.計16回の再作成やPTAを施行後.中心静脈が狭小化し,ダブルルーメンカテーテル挿入困難例.【症例 4】77歳女性.糖尿病性腎症により透析歴 5 年.ダブルルーメンカテーテル挿入困難例.全例局所麻酔下,ポリウレタン製人工血管を用いAAPLを作成した.AAPLはブラッドアクセス作成困難症例に対し,有用な手技の一つと考えられた.
広渡 文利 福岡 正人
一般社団法人 日本鉱物科学会
鉱物学雜誌 (ISSN:04541146)
vol.18, no.6, pp.347-365, 1989-01-25 (Released:2009-08-11)
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This paper described the following three topics concerning with the studies on the manganese minerals in Japan from the mineralogical viewpoint.1). Historical developement and mineral species of the Japanese manganese minerals. The number of the manganese mineral species confirmed to occur in Japan during from 1887 to 1987 amount to 88 (silicates 44, oxides 30, sulfates 5, borates 3, carbonates 2, sulfides 2, tungustate 1, and arsenate 1). Mineral name, chemical composition, localities, and authors of the manganese minerals found first in Japan are listed as a table in chronological order.2). Manganoan sugilite and associated other minerals from the Furumiya mine. The mode of occurrence, microscopic feature, chemical composition, and X-ray powder diffraction data for the manganoan sugilite are described. The mineral occurs as veinlets of purple tint with guartz vein cutting braunite ore, and it is found associated with serandite, sanbornite, krauskopfite, and Mn-alkali amphibole. These associated minerals are determined by means of EPMA.3). Witherite and “BaMn (CO3)2” mineral (unnamed new mineral) from the Hagidairaand Fukumaki mines. Both the minerals from the Hagidaira mine are found in rhodochrosite-manganositea-labandite ore. The witherite occurs as a fine-grained aggregate, while the “BaMn (CO3)2 ” mineral is coarse-grained crystal, and it is surrounded by the fine-grained witherite. The mode of occurrence, optical properties, chemical composition, and X-ray powder diffraction data for the witherite and “BaMn (CO3)2” mineral from the Hagidaira mine are described. On the other hand, the witherite and “BaMn (CO3)2 ” mineral from the Fukumaki mine occur in manganosite-tephroite-galaxite ore. The mode of occurrence, optical properties, and chemical composition of both the minerals are generally similar to those of the Hagidaira mine. However, although individual crystals of both the minerals from the Fukumaki mine are much too small, the X-ray powder diffraction data of them are not determined yet.