稲葉 和也
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.49, no.3, pp.3_28-3_49, 2014 (Released:2017-11-10)

Many Japanese chemical companies have been re-evaluating the importance of research and development (R&D) since the low-growth era began during the first oil crisis. New businesses cannot succeed without the cooperation of their R&D departments. Their R&D sections were merged with their Business sections to connect research with product development more closely. As a result, the Central Research Institute became disorganized, and the volume of corporate research declined. This paper examines the history of R&D at Tokuyama Corp. I describe both the company's polysilicon production and the laboratory reform that occurred at the beginning of the 1980s.Tokuyama's polysilicon production was a planning initiative project. Such a project required a leader who can maximize the company's investment. Yuuji Fujii, director of Tokuyama's Planning Division, headed the company's polysilicon business. He was both an engineer and a manager, which proved an effective combination. This project grew into the company's core business; they are now the world's second-largest polysilicon producer for semiconductors, after the Hemlock Semiconductor Corporation.Laboratory reform is now considered necessary for Japan's chemical corporations. During reforms at Tokuyama Corp.'s new Fujisawa Laboratory, the old linear model was retired, and at least two of the lab's functions were changed to stimulate market creation. Takashi Yoshioka, the new R&D head, announced the “Five Management Ideas in the Laboratory” concept. Instead of a bottom-up management style, he imposed a top-down style, which is how the R&D and Business sections had worked together in the beginning.