三品 正明 立花 憲司 三浦 哲
北海道大学大学院理学研究院自然史科学部門(地球物理学) = Department of Natural History Sciences (Geophysics), Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
no.72, pp.287-298, 2009-03

Borehole strainmeters installed in the coastal area of Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures recorded the remarkable postseismic strain change following earthquake off Fukushima Prefecture on July 19, 2008 (M 6.9). Using exponential function, we simulated the postseismic strain change and obtained time constant and amplitude of the postseismic change. Time constant was 57 h. The amplitude ratio to the amplitude of the co-seismic change was 0.9 (KNK: Kinkazan), 1.1 (EN3: Enoshima) and 1.6 (MH2: Mihodo), respectively. This means almost the same amount of slip as the main shock occurred on the fault plane after the shock. We also analyzed data at an off Fukushima Prefecture earthquake on October 31, 2003 (M 6.8). Time constant of the postseismic change was 40 h. The amplitude ratio was 0.5 (KNK), 0.6 (EN3) and 1.5 (MH2), respectively. This earthquake also had similar feature as the 2008 event. These characteristics of postseismic slips are considered to relate the distribution of the coupling coefficient between Pacific plate and continental plate. In off Fukushima area, the coupling coefficient may be weaker around the epicenter area of the 2008 earthquake than around the 2003 event.