粟田 聡
ロシア・東欧学会年報 (ISSN:21854645)
vol.2000, no.29, pp.78-85, 2000 (Released:2010-05-31)

After the financial crisis, the unemployed people gradually increased in Russia. The number of them was over 10 millions in spring and summer in 1999. After the crisis, the many banks and financial companies were bankrupted. So, particularly the women who worked in banks lost their works. But the industries in Russia have developed gradually and the sphere of construction needed many workers. But they were mainly physical works, so it is hard for young people who graduated university to find their jobs. Now, many workers in Russia do not get regularly their salaries in their companies. So, unemployed women and many workers have to do second jobs. What kind of jobs they do? The unemployed women sell various goods in streets, or take care of sick people, old people and children. Or they translate foreign languages or teach them to children in home. These jobs are mostly works in black economy. In result, workers have gone away from the labor market. In future, the companies have to get more stable capitals. If so, workers in Russia will move into the normal labor market.