石井 義昭 細田 純子 若山 文恵 安藤 正子
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.5, no.3, pp.176-185, 1979 (Released:2011-08-11)

Compatibility of enteric-coated Futraful E Granules (FTEG) with 60 commercial preparations was investigated. In combination with FTEG, changes in appearance (wetness, coagulation, coloration and liquefaction) under the worst condition (30°, RH 92%) were observed in only 3 of the 60 preparations: neophylline, theocolin and sodium bicarbonate. In thin-layer chromatography, decomposed compounds producedin combination of FTFG with the 3 preparations were identified as5-fluorouracil. In the dissolution test, FTEG was not dissolved in1st fluid (J. P. IX) in the same combination. Therefore, the combination of FTEG with 2 of the 3 preparations should be avoided, but the combination with the remaining 57 preparations is possible if attention is paid topackaging, duration of administration and other conditions.
石井 義昭 細田 純子 若山 文恵 安藤 正子
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.4, no.3, pp.147-155, 1978 (Released:2011-08-11)

Compatibility of futraful (FT-207) fine granules with 54 commercial preparations was tested under three conditions of constant temperature and relative humidity (A: 30°, 92%; B: 23°, 76%; C: 5°, 50%). As a result, no change was observed in FT-207 fine granules and 30 of 54 preparations under any condition. Some changes such as wetness, coagulation, coloration and liquefaction were observed in 24 preparations under condition A, 11 preparations under condition B and 2 preparations under condition C. Of 24 preparations, the following 4 preparations were considered to develop changes when compounded with FT-207 fine granules magnesium oxide, aminophylline, galantase and sodium bicarbonate. By thin layer chromatography, the decomposed compound (5-fluorouracil) of FT-207 was detected in combination with 10 preparations such as enzyme and vitamin. The rate of decomposition of FT-207 allowed for 30 days under condition A was 2.5-5 % in combination with Popon S and less than 1% in combination with other 9 preparations. But these changes in appearance and potency of FT-207 with packing were less than that without packing. Any of 54 preparations are thought to be compoundable with FT-207 fine granules when sufficient care is taken to protect them from moistening.