- 著者
剣持 敬
福嶌 教偉
肥沼 幸
牛込 秀隆
久保 正二
- 出版者
- 一般社団法人 日本移植学会
- 雑誌
- 移植 (ISSN:05787947)
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.49, no.6, pp.393-401, 2014-12-10 (Released:2014-12-26)
- 参考文献数
- 21
The number of organ transplantations from donation from brain-dead (DBD) donors has recently increased because of the enforcement of the revised Organ Transplantation Law in 2010 in Japan. More than 500 kidney transplant recipients, more than 30 liver transplant recipients, and two recipients of simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantations have already experienced pregnancy and childbirth in our country. Along with the increase of DBD donors, pregnancy and childbirth must be an important issue for the recipients of heart and lung transplantations as well as kidney and liver transplantations. The Japan Society for Transplantation has decided to make a guideline for pregnancy and childbirth in patients after organ transplantation.The contents of this guideline are planned to be classified into two chapters. One concerns common problems after organ transplantations, such as the use of drugs, including immunosuppressive agents and vaccines. The second chapter is planned to focus on problems particular to reach organ transplantation. Furthermore, this guideline will include the problems of living donors for kidney and liver transplantations and male recipients who underwent organ transplantations.