林 真二 脇坂 聿雄
一般社団法人 園芸学会
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.25, no.1, pp.59-68, 1956

In the present paper, the results of the experi-ments on the relation between oxidation-reduction potentials, Fe<sup>..</sup> and H<sub>2</sub>5 contents in soils, and the submersion tolerance or excess-moisture injury of the fruit-tree roots are reported with special reference to fig, peach, pear, apple, persimmon and grape. The results are summarized as follows.<br> 1. The growth of fruit-tree shoots were stopped by excess-moisture or water-lodging in the soils having following values of Eh<sub>6</sub><br> Fig 360_??_370m. v.<br> Peach 330_??_350m. v.<br> Pear and Apple 260_??_280m. v.<br> Persimmon 200m. v.<br> Grape 170_??_180m. v.<br> Shoot growths of pear, apple, persimmon and grape were inhibited gradually from the neigh-bourhood of ca. 300m. v.<br> 2. Fe<sup>..</sup>-formation in soils increased as the oxi-dation-reduction potentials failed, and the amount of Fe<sup>..</sup> extracted by HCl (pH 3) solution was ca. 20mg at 300m. v., ca. 30mg at 200m. v. and 60_??_70mg at 100m. v., per 100g. dry soil. There-fore, the root system of fig or peach was impeded mainly by oxygen-deficiency before Fe<sup>..</sup> was formed abundantly in soil. On the other hand, the impediment of root system in the case of pear or apple was derived from a large amount of Fe<sup>..</sup> formed by remarkable reduction in soils, and moreover, when approximately 30 mg Fe<sup>..</sup><br>was formed in soils on persimmon or grape.<br> 3. When the soils were water-lodged, the higher organic matter content in soil, the more rapid Eh falling and more the amounts of Fe<sup>..</sup> and HsS formed. Accordingly, the more high organic matter content in soil, the more remarkable the injury of root system of fruittree caused by excess-moisture.<br> 4. Fig and peach were susceptible, pear was middle and grape and persimmon were resistant. Parallelism between resistance of root system to Fe<sup>..</sup> and H<sub>2</sub>S, and submersion tolerance of root was found. And it was suggested that the differ-ence of resistance to excess-moisture injury was caused by the difference of oxidation power of root towards the exterior.
脇坂 聿雄 林 真二
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.35, no.4, pp.345-353, 1966 (Released:2007-07-05)

ナシ花粉の簡単な貯蔵法として, 家庭用電気冷蔵庫を用い, 1年間貯蔵した花粉を供試して, 二十世紀の結実率, 果実肥大, 含有種子数などについて調査した。1. 1962~1965年の4か年にわたり, 1年間電気冷蔵庫で貯蔵した花粉の発芽率をみた結果, 最適条件の場合, 長十郎80.3%, 晩三吉67.4%, 八雲85.0%で, 新鮮花粉に比較して5~10%の低下率であつた。2. 1年間貯蔵した花粉を二十世紀に人工授粉した結果, 発芽率30%以上の花粉であれば, 結実率も80%以上となり, 新鮮花粉区と変わらなかつた。幼果の発育および収穫果重も, 両者の間にほとんど差を認めなかつた。3. 貯蔵花粉でも, 発芽率が30%以上であれば, 含有種子数も平均7個以上となり, 果肉細胞, 糖度, 酸などいずれも新鮮花粉区に劣らず, 実用に供して何ら支障のないことを認めた。4. ナシ花粉の貯蔵上注意すべきことは, 樹勢のよい樹から採花し, 摘花から開葯, 冷蔵庫搬入までの時間を24時間以内とし, 湿度は30~50%, 温度を年間5°Cに保てば, 約70%以上の発芽率をもつた花粉が得られることを確認した。