臺 利夫
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.18, pp.77-84, 1996-12-01

More pretty persons are preferred. It is apt to be thought that more beautiful women are more likely than less beautiful women to do good. People who are objects of our first impressions are not known to us. We have limited information about them. Whenever we meet new people, beauty of face is a key factor in our liking of other people. But beautiful women will be not necessarily be happy. In enduring relationships it seems to follow that we do not rank beauty of face as very important in our ranking of other people. We lower our sights somewhat so that there is a balancing with beauty of personality. Regardless of whether beauty of face was once the basis for love relationships, familiarity in married life produces greater liking than love at first sight. Though people's attitudes foward beauty of face are more or less associated with erotic desire pertaining to a sense of beauty, mere erotic desire as such does not clarify one's sense of beauty. It might aesthetically be said that beauty of face is created in the image of symmetry in nature. But human beauty transcends rational comprehension and is wrapped up in mysterious atmosphere. A Beautiful face, what first figures as a superficial trait, is imbued with substantial meaning.