若松 茂 関口 修 若松 伸夫 永山 陽一 荒川 新一郎
放送教育開発センター研究紀要 (ISSN:09152210)
vol.12, pp.151-164, 1995

Experiments on a lifelong learning system were carried out in a rural district in Fukushima prefecture, by an audiovisual learning with video programs of the University of the Air which were followed occationally by the tutoring session at a distance with a 64/128 kbs compressed interactive video via ISDN (INS-Net64). During the course of pedagogical examinations, it was found that the tutoring session at a distance was quite acceptable for students on condition that sound was good, that a statue of teacher as big as lifesize was shown on TV, and that interaction was sought between teacher and students during session. Since the foregoing compressed video via ISDN is cost effective, through this study it appears that practical use of interactive video can effectively be realized in lifelong diatance learning.