- 著者
上薗 恒太郎
蒲池 文恵
- 出版者
- 長崎総合科学大学附属図書館運営委員会
- 雑誌
- 長崎総合科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of the Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science (ISSN:24239976)
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.56, no.2, pp.94-148, 2017-02-03
Moral education is integrated with history, geography and politics, and so to the worldview of children in textbooks of PRC. In Chinese moral textbooks, four dimensions are found to enhance self-affirmative consciousness, namely, efforts: 1) to emphasize acceptance by others, parents, friends and society, 2) to realize a dream as a member of the Sino-centric society of China, 3) to assess self-affirmative consciousness by contribution to groups, class society, community and state, and 4) to recommend a method of portfolio management and autosuggestion. We can say that self-affirmative consciousness in Chinese moral textbooks is integrated to form the point of view of the communist party to patriotism. Compared to this integrated and strong moral education, the Japanese system has a character of reticence, where moral values are taught separately in each lesson. Japanese moral education allows individual integration of moral values to self-affirmative consciousness, which is a base of democracy.