泉 貴人 藤井 琢磨 柳 研介
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.46, pp.54-63, 2019-02-28 (Released:2019-03-23)

Until recently, Actiniaria had been classified by the classification system organized by Carlgren in 1949. This classification was based on several traditional morphological features such as mesenterial arrangement, basal disc, acontium, and sphincter muscle. Although this classification system had been used for around 60 years, it was recently called into question by several studies utilizing molecular phylogenetic analyses. The most comprehensive phylogenetic analyses clarified that the Carlgren classification system did not reflect the actual phylogenetic relationships, and thus a new classification system from suborder to superfamily was established. At the same time, new common morphological features were proposed as the traditional morphological features of sea anemones in Carlgren’s classification system were proven to not be monophyletic. Here, we introduce the new classification system and propose Japanese names for all taxa higher than family.
泉 貴人 藤井 琢磨 柳 研介 藤田 敏彦
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.48, pp.13-19, 2020-02-29 (Released:2020-03-13)

Isactinernus quadrilobatus Carlgren, 1918, the only species of genus Isactinernus, is characterized by an oral disc with four equally-sized lobes. In 2003 Synactinernus flavus Carlgren, 1918, which is characterized by four large and four small lobes alternately arranged, was synonymized into I. quadrilobatus because the difference of lobe shape was thought to be intraspecific variation, and thus the genus Synactinernus was also synonymized into Isactinernus. However, our molecular phylogenetic analysis of Actinernidae including I. quadrilobatus collected from the Kumano Sea revealed that I. quadrilobatus is genetically distinct from S. flavus. Our morphological comparison between the two species supported the result of the molecular analysis. Consequently, the genus Synactinernus was re-established and separated from Isactinernus. Additionally, during this study, we discovered and described an additional species of the genus, Synactinernus churaumi Izumi and Fujii, 2019.
藤井 琢磨 高橋 宏幸
西洋古典論集 (ISSN:02897113)
vol.22, pp.216-248, 2010-03-28

In Plautus' Bacchides we have in Chrysalus a typical cunning slave whose trickery, more than anything else, moves the play forward. The protagonist, however, leaves the stage just before the final act without celebrating his triumph. Stage action is taken over by the Bacchis sisters seducing a pair of old men and inviting them into their house, as if to reflect the change of the title from Menander's Dis Exapaton. No triumph, Chrysalus says to the spectators, because it is all too common (1073). Does this allude to real-life triumphs (thus Ritschl, Barsby), or to a stage convention (Fraenkel, Slater)? This paper attempts to see in the play a metatheatrical reference to the role of servus callidus and, from this point of view, compares the tricks used by Chrysalus and the Bacchis sisters. Points of comparison: (1) money is gained and wasted; (2) deceptions are based on suggesting the opposite of what one's goal is; (3) victims are enslaved and deemed worthless; (4) use of slave 's services. (1): the names of Chrysalus and Bacchis are in a meaningful juxtaposition(240-42, 703-05; 53, 372-73): while Chrysalus is interested in swindling people out of their money (218-21, 229-33, 640-50), the Bacchis sisters focus on luring them into their house to make them incur losses (62-72, 85-86). (2): comparison of 90-91 and 94-100 (Bacchis – Pistoclerus), 988-1043 (Chrysalus – Nicobulus), and 1173-74 with 1184-85 (Bacchis – Nicobulus), shows that similar psychological tactics may be seen at work. (3): finding it difficult to resist Bacchis' charm, Pistoclerus wonders if he is worth nothing (nihili 91) and, once seduced, tells her 'tibi me emancupo' (92). The term comptionalis senex, used of Nicobulus swindled out of his money (976), evidently emphasizes his worthless state. The old men who are victimized like sheep well shorn (1122-28), as predicted by Chrysalus (241-42), have lost all their value (exsoluere quanti fuere 1135). When charmed by Bacchis minor, Philoxenus too admits that he is worthless (nihili 1157) and the same is confirmed by Nicobulus as well (1162). At the end, Nicobulus says to Bacchides 'ducite nos tamquam addictos' (1205). Note also grex explicitly stating that the old men have been worthless (nihili 1207) since their youth, and Chrysalus calling Cleomachus worthless (nihili homo 904) once the deal has been done. (4): while Chrysalus envisions selling Nicobulus as a slave once he gets his job done (814-15, 976-77), the Bacchis sisters seem to keep their slaves in service. Pistoclerus, a typical adolenscens, weak and wavering at the start, seems to change his role and begins to act as if he were a cunning slave (to a lesser degree than Chrysalus), making smart replies to Lydus (e.g. 125-29, 161-62), bragging about his success as if he assumed the persona of Pellio acting the role of Epidicus(206-15), and driving back the parasite sent from Cleomachus (573-611). Since addicti (1205) are to serve as slaves until they have repaid their debt, the old men are supposed to do some menial work in the sisters' house. Conclusion: Chrysalus, an expert in eliciting money from people, has no further business with his victims who are, in his view, worthless. So, once his mission is complete, he just exits with all the booty to the quaestor (1075). The Bacchis sisters seem to use "the worthless'' to create stage action. In the final act, the moment the old sheep are said to be not just shorn but mute (1138-39) and the sisters are about to exit, Nicobulus begins to speak (1140), much to everyone's surprise (prodigium 1141). It is as if a mute character who is supposed just to stand by (astent 1134) speaks out and thus opens up a new strand of action. The paradox noted here, creation from nothing, recalls Pseudolus 395-405 and sounds significant for the whole play; from the grex we hear that were it not for such useless old men, they would not even be able to put on this drama (1207-10).
小枝 圭太 藤井 琢磨 吉野 哲夫
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.61, no.1, pp.27-31, 2014-04-25 (Released:2016-05-22)

A single specimen of Photoblepharon palpebratum (Boddaert, 1781), formerly limited to the tropical western Pacific, was collected from Okinawa Island, Japan at a depth of 1 m. The specimen was characterized by the following combination of characters: single dorsal fin with 3 spines; a black shutter lifting to cover the subocular organ; a large white spot on the dorsal corner of the opercle; pelvic-fin rays I, 6. The tiny first dorsalfin spine was identified from a radiograph. The specimen represents the first record of P. palpebratum from Japan and is the northernmost record of the species. The specimen produced a total of 273 eggs, but those were probably postmaturity.