西嶋 雅樹 Masaki Nishijima
甲南大学学生相談室紀要 = Bulletin of Konan Student Counseling Room
no.17, pp.39-51, 2010-02-26

What is important in student counseling is to understand the psychological theme of client. And the attitude of counselor toward the theme of his/her client is also important. For comprehending these theme more deeply, this paper is intended as an exploration into the work of comic, "Mushi-Shi", which is written by Urushibara Yuki. In this work, there are important images that are substantial for understanding the process of psychotherapy. Examples of these images are the ones of "initiation" and "wounded healer" and so on. Firstly, in this paper, the background of "Mushi-Shi" was mentioned. Secondly, Minakata Kumagusu who was a Japanese naturalist was introduced as the model of the main character, Ginko. And then, the process in which Ginko accepts "Mushi", which is grotesque and lively being, and create his attitude toward "Mushi" was discussed. On the story titled "Sugame-no-Uo (which means 'fish blind in one eye')", Yoki, who is the precursor of Ginko, was swallowed by Tokoyami, which is one of Mushi. Yoki was deprived his name and memory by Tokoyami, and called himself Ginko. In this process, there is an image of initiation. Afterwards, on the story titled "Kusa-no-Shitone (which means 'bed of grass')", young Ginko accepted his strange constitution and anguish. The motif of "wounded healer" is especially found in this story. For psychotherapy, it is substantial to comprehend these images. But the most substantial point is not to remain on this comprehension mentioned in this paper, but to go back to original work itself. We are able to experience more fertile image by going back there.
西嶋 雅樹
no.20, pp.149-157, 2021-08

本研究では思春期がどう終わるかに関する理解を深めるために, 漫画『約束のネバーランド』を素材として考察を行った。物語終盤で描かれる2つの世界の間の渡りは意識と無意識の混濁した状態から意識の優位な状態への移行のメタファとして理解されることが見出された。また物語が終わることに並行して主人公のエマは親, 家族, 双子的存在, そして異能性の喪失を体験しており, ここに思春期の終焉の特徴が見出された。