UBARA Ayaka SUMI Yukiyoshi ITO Kazuki MATSUDA Arichika MATSUO Masahiro MIYAMOTO Towa KADOTANI Hiroshi 乳原 彩香 角 幸頼 伊藤 一樹 松田 有史 松尾 雅博 宮本 都和 角谷 寛
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
vol.17, no.23, pp.8971, 2020-12-02

We aimed to analyze (a) the changes in depression, sleepiness, insomnia, and sleep habits in relation to the degree of self-isolation and (b) the effects of changes in sleep habits and social interactions on depression, insomnia, and sleepiness during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. We enrolled 164 patients who visited the sleep outpatient clinic in Shiga University of Medical Science Hospital. We compared the sleep habits, depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9: PHQ-9), insomnia (Athens Insomnia Scale: AIS), and sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Scale: ESS) of patients during the period from April to July 2019 vs. May 2020 (a period of self-isolation due to COVID-19). A Wilcoxon signed-rank test indicated no significant differences in PHQ-9, ESS, and AIS scores between 2019 and 2020 within both the strong self-isolation group and no/little self-isolation group. With respect to sleep habits, earlier bedtime (p = 0.006) and increased sleep duration (p = 0.014) were found in the strong self-isolation group. The former (p = 0.009) was also found in the no/little self-isolation group, but we found significant differences in sleep duration between the no/little self-isolation group and the strong self-isolation group (p = 0.047). Therefore, self-isolation due to COVID-19 had relatively small one-year effects on depression, sleepiness, and insomnia in a clinical population.
岩崎 絢子 仲山 千佳夫 藤原 幸一 角 幸頼 松尾 雅博 加納 学 角谷 寛
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第33回全国大会(2019)
pp.1H4J1303, 2019 (Released:2019-06-01)

睡眠時無呼吸症候群 (SAS) は, 睡眠中に呼吸の停止あるいは呼吸量の減少が頻回に起こる疾患であり, 日中の眠気などの症状を引き起こすほか, 心血管系の合併症のリスクを高める. しかし, 自覚症状に乏しいケースも存在することから, 診断および治療に至っていない患者が多く存在すると考えられている. SAS の診断には終夜睡眠ポリグラフ検査 (PSG) が用いられるが, PSG を実施できる施設が少ないことが問題となっていた. そこで本研究では, 心拍変動解析と長期短期記憶を組み合わせた簡便なスクリーニング手法を提案する. SAS 患者および健常者計 59 名のデータに対して提案法を適用したところ, 感度 100%, 特異度 100% で SAS のスクリーニングが可能であることが判明した.