岩沢 久彰 解良 芳夫
爬虫両棲類学雑誌 (ISSN:02853191)
vol.8, no.3, pp.73-89, 1980-07-30 (Released:2009-03-27)
2 17

A table for the normal stages of the development of the Japanese lungless salamander, Onychodactylus japonicus, is presented. Adult males and females, collected in Hinoémata, Fukushima Prefecture, in the breeding season, were injected with frog pituitaries, and oviposition was induced. The number of eggs laid by one female was 11 on the average. The eggs are pale yellow in color and ca. 5mm in diameter. The temperature of the water in which the materials were kept was maintained at 10±1°C. The progress of development is remarkably slow. Under the present conditions, the embryos hatched at the age of 142 days on the average. In contrast to most amphibian species, the 3rd cleavage is meridional and the 4th one is latitudinal. Under field conditions, the period of larval life is fully 2 years, and the body size of metamorphosing larvae is 7-10cm in total length. The process of development from fertilization till the completion of metamorphosis is divided into 72 stages. External characteristics in each stage are described in tabular form, and illustrated with sketches.