谷垣 悠介 守行 正悟
植物環境工学 (ISSN:18802028)
vol.32, no.3, pp.160-164, 2020 (Released:2020-09-01)

The synchronization of crop production with community growth leads to accurate yield prediction and ultimately helps in business management. At present, many methods are available for measuring crop growth, and them are actually used. However, many of these methods cannot measure the external environment and the internal response of a plant separately and completely. Therefore, we use the circadian clock as an indicator of growth management and propose a circadian rhythm based on the circadian clock. The circadian clock adjusts physiological events such as gene expression and/or flowering, and this adjustment facilitates enhanced crop growth. In this study, we demonstrated circadian rhythm measurement in a commercial plant factory using data from the transcriptome in lettuce leaves by employing a molecular timetable method. We collected transcriptome data every 2 h for 28 days from factory-grown lettuce and analyzed them. Based on the data analysis, we inferred that the circadian time could be estimated using the data for all the 28 days. Furthermore, we clarified that the response of a plant to exposure to different light environments could be detected by moving the plant from the nursery room to the cultivation room. Therefore, transcriptome data analysis that focuses on the circadian clock (periodmics) is expected to be greatly beneficial in managing the cultivation environment and understanding the internal state of crops.
谷垣 悠介 濱中 将人 西野 祐輔 大和 義幸 秋田 求
植物環境工学 (ISSN:18802028)
vol.26, no.3, pp.160-162, 2014

ガス透過性フィルムを用いて作製した容器に液体を入れ高い酸素透過性を確かめた.ガス透過性フィルム製チューブの両端を封じた簡易な培養容器を用い,静置した液体培地中でヒメツリガネゴケ(<I>Physcomitrella patens</I>)が良好に生育することを確かめた.ガス透過性フィルムの有用性が再確認された.